How to Maintain Self-care While Being a Working Mom
Featuring: Sam Stinocher
Interview & video by: Catie Menke
Copy by: Shannon Holt
In this episode of Brunch with Catie Menke, Catie sat down with Samantha a working mom of twin boys and the face behind @i_live_in_flats. Catie and Samantha are talking all about how to maintain self-care while being a working mother.
We all know self-care is a popular term these days. People tend to think of self-care as more of a luxury, but what it really comes down to is making sure we are taking care of ourselves in the midst of taking care of everyone and everything else.
Photograph by: Samantha Stinocher. Featuring: Harrison and Aaron Stinocher.
Photograph by: Samantha Stinocher. Featuring: Harrison and Samantha Stinocher.
We are all busy, but no one more so than a mother. Samantha breaks down five ways she is able to maintain a self-care practice while working full-time and caring for her two twin boys. As she points out, she doesn’t want to miss out on any time with her boys, but she also understands the importance of doing the little things that help to prioritize herself.
Prioritize your time
After a major health scare during pregnancy, Samantha has been recommended by her doctor to do 30 minutes of cardio each day. In order to fit this in without having to miss time with her sons, Samantha wakes up earlier in the morning. She also makes it a point to plan out her days, “I love to prioritize my time by using a planner” and recommends the app Timepage to do this. Lastly, Samantha recommends using modern-day conveniences such as ordering your groceries online and picking them up or having them delivered.
Maintain your hobbies
“Prior to becoming a mother, I would practice the piano for an hour, sometimes 2 hours a day,” notes Samantha. “I now get 5 minutes in while they are taking a bath or while they are just playing.” It’s not the easiest, but finding ways to stay true to who you are and making sure to fit the things you love to-do into your daily routine is a great way to practice self-care. Samantha also points out that she will even get the boys involved by bringing out some play instruments.
Connect with yourself
Connecting with yourself is key and pretty much the whole purpose of self-care. “You give so much of yourself as a mother, but I think it is important to remember who you are independently as well,” Samantha states. Find a way to block out all the noise that we are constantly sorting through in our heads and just be for a few minutes. For Samantha, that is lying on the ground while listening to some music. “I zone out completely and feel whatever I felt like feeling.”
Make Healthy a priority
If we don’t feel our best, we can’t be our best. Exercising and eating healthy is key in making sure our bodies and mind are operating at full potential. Our health should be a top priority every single day. Samantha mentioned in the video that she had a serious health scare during her pregnancy, so this is a key part of her self-care. “I wake-up extra early to find the time to exercise as well as making sure I have moderately healthy foods on hand to eat.” She also created a sticker chart which allows her to visualize how well she is doing on eating healthy and working out.
Take time for yourself
“Honestly, sometimes this is going to make you feel like a bad mom, but sometimes it is necessary,” says Samantha. When you take time for yourself, you are allowing yourself to walk away from it all and clear your mind. Having a clear mind will only benefit any/all situations. Having a partner or someone else to help out with the kids when you need a minute can be incredibly beneficial. However even if you don’t have someone, find a way to take a minute or two just for yourself. “One of my boys struggles with sensory problems and sometimes his reaction to tiny little things escalates to insane levels, it can lead to major head-butting and frustration for both him and me,” explains Samantha. “Walking away allows me to calm down and return and help us both find a solution to the situation that works better.”
Follow Samantha at
Instagram: @i_live_in_flats