5 Tips on Love Languages


Featuring: Chelsea Raulsome
Interview & video by: Catie Menke
Copy by: Shannon Holt

Relationships take a lot of work. While there are endless resources to help you better navigate the world of these relationships, one of the most popular resources is a book, written in1995, by Gary Chapman, called, The 5 Love Languages.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: The Scott Resort.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: The Scott Resort.

The 5 Love Languages is based around the fact that “my partner is not me.” Learning what love language you and your partner respond best to, will allow you to better communicate/show love within your relationships.

In this episode of Brunch, Catie is sitting down with Chelsea Raulsome, to discuss exactly what the 5 Love Languages are, why it is important to know your partner's love language and how we can better put them to use within our relationship.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: The Scott Resort.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: The Scott Resort.


The 5 Love Languages

In the book, Chapman breaks down the 5 Love Languages as the following: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time and Acts of Service.


Everyone Expresses and receives love differently

As you can see from the list above, how we give and receive love can vary greatly. Knowing how you best receive love and how your partner best receives love will make a huge difference in the quality of your relationship.

To find your love language, as well as your partners, head to the website, 5lovelanguages.com, and take the quiz.


Love your partner in their love language instead of your own

When in a relationship, we tend to show our love to our partner in our love language. We know that our love language is how we best receive love, so we seem to assume showing our love in the same love language is the best option.

However, once you know your partner's love language, make a point to show them love in THEIR own love language, instead of your own. Your partner will much better receive the love you are giving when it’s something they respond positively to.


Knowing your Love Language aids communication

Knowing your love language will not only benefit your partner, but it will also benefit you. You will be better equipped to explain your needs/expectations in a way that is clear and concise.

If your love language is Words of Affirmations, you can easily explain to your partner that you need to physically hear them supporting you, that they are thinking of you, or that saying “I love you” can make a huge difference in how you feel within the relationship.


Knowing your Love Language enhances thoughtfulness

When you are in long-term relationships, it is easy to get complacent in the ways you show your love. Knowing each other’s love language will help you to be more aware of what your partner expects in regards to expressing your love from them.

Love languages takes the guesswork out of how your partner will respond to certain things. They will allow you to be more conscious of how you show your love/appreciation for each other.



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