Giving Yourself Grace within Motherhood


Featuring: Liz Blalock
Interview & video by: Catie Menke
Copy by: Shannon Holt

Grace is described in two ways, one focusing on the way we present ourselves and the second focused on how we act towards others.

Grace - noun
Simple elegance or refinement of movement
2. Courteous goodwill

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Scottsdale, AZ.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Scottsdale, AZ.

As mentioned in our Month Ahead video, one of the themes we are focusing on this month is grace.

Grace is something most of us strive for. We want to be able to handle situations with grace, give ourselves and others grace in difficult times and be seen as an all around graceful human.

There are times in life when we will be tested in giving others grace, but there are also times when we need to make a point to give ourselves the grace we deserve - a perfect example of one of those times is motherhood.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Scottsdale, AZ.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Scottsdale, AZ.

In this episode of Brunch, Catie is sitting down with Liz Blalock, a fitness and dance instructor and mom of a 2 year old with another on the way! Liz discusses how she incorporates giving herself grace within motherhood and below we are breaking down her five tips for incorporating grace into your daily life as a mother.


Giving yourself grace physically

Liz’s number one tip is learning to give yourself grace physically. This means making sure you are doing the right things to fuel and refuel your body on a daily basis.

This can include making sure you are getting enough sleep/rest, filling up on healthy, whole foods and taking at least 30 minutes a day to get some movement in.

Doing these three things as often as you can will help you to feel your best on the inside and therefore allow you to perform and be your best on the outside as well.


Giving yourself grace mentally

Give yourself grace mentally by taking each day as it comes, by staying present and learning to adjust and adapt.

Motherhood comes with a lot of challenges, on the daily. Learning to let go of the things you can’t control will allow you to have more grace with yourself, as well as help you in how you can best handle challenging situations.


Giving yourself grace emotionally

It can be easy to lose yourself in motherhood, but learning to give yourself grace while accepting and acknowledging your feelings will help you in trusting this process.

By trusting this process you will be able to continue to become who you are meant to be without losing yourself or your authenticity.


Giving yourself grace by asking for help

Motherhood is a lot of work and giving yourself grace by asking for help, when you feel it is needed, will help you in being the best mother you can possibly be.

Learn to ask for help. Whether it be from your spouse, your family or your friends, someone will undoubtedly be willing to give you a hand. Especially if you have any other mama friends, because as Liz points out “we are all in this together”!


Giving yourself grace by believing in yourself

The pressures women face when becoming a mother can be a lot to handle, but you have to remind yourself you are doing the best YOU can do.

Give yourself grace, don’t feel the pressure to live up to someone else's standard of the perfect mother. You are doing this on your own time, in the best way you know how. Remind yourself of this as often as you can.


Follow Liz at

Instagram: @liz.blalock



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