Ways to Incorporate Gardening into our Lives


Featuring: Tishana Richards
Interview & video by: Catie Menke
Copy by: Shannon Holt

We are currently redefining the idea of “normal” and going through a discovery phase of change. With so many variables moving around us, the importance of finding our center has become even more important.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Phoenix, AZ.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Phoenix, AZ.

Continuing with this month’s theme of ‘adding calm’, Tishana, the owner of Coco & Seed, shows us the power of incorporating gardening into our lives for a more peaceful presence.

With some of us experiencing more time at home, more time to start something new, Tishana shows us the beauty of growing our very own indoor garden.


Plant foods you use

Think about the herbs and vegetables you pick up at the grocery store most often and use that list to create your indoor garden! As Tishana points out in the interview, growing the foods you use most often in your kitchen will “make you more excited and inclined to tend to your garden.”


Gardening is for everybody

If you live in the big city or out in the country with lots of property, gardening is an option. There are so many ways to start your own garden just like Tishana - who grew eggplant on her windowsill!

And don’t fear not having a “green thumb”. Tishana promises us that gardening is for everyone! With a little extra learning, we all can become successful gardeners.


Carve out some peace

“You take care of yourself, you take care of the plant and then the plant will take care of you.”

Taking the time to pay attention to your plants and acknowledging their growth each and every day, will help you to find calm and peacefulness.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Phoenix, AZ.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Phoenix, AZ.


Use self-watering planters

When you are just starting out with an indoor garden, Tishana recommends using a self-watering or self-monitoring planter. Having a self-monitoring planter will ease the process of figuring out your plant’s needs.


Find ways to preserve your food longer

After you’ve grown the plant and pruned it, figure out ways to continue the journey. Whether it’s pickling the vegetable you’ve grown, or using the herbs in different ways of cooking, keep learning and receiving all the calm benefits of having your very own indoor garden.


Follow Tishana at

Website: cocoandseed.com
Instagram: @coco_and_seed



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