Having the Right Mindset to Attract Good Vibes


Featuring: Eric LeGrand
Interview & video by: Catie Menke
Copy by: Shannon Holt

Earlier in the month we discussed what it meant to give ourselves grace and shared ways to incorporate it into our daily lives. Our second topic of the month, as mentioned in the Month Ahead video, is all about Mindset.

Over here at catiemenke.com, we believe in the power of a positive mindset. After all your mindset controls every aspect of your life, from how you feel and what you think to how you act and react to your surroundings. Your mindset can be the deciding factor in whether or not you achieve your goals and live up to your full potential or if you never really feel satisfied with where you are at in life.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Arizona Science Center.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Arizona Science Center.

Having and maintaining a positive mindset doesn’t necessarily come easy to everyone. It can be hard to not focus on the negative or to not feel like we have enough, but it is something that can be learned and if practiced regularly, you will see how focusing on the positive can really make a difference in your life.

In today’s interview, Catie is sitting down with Eric LeGrand, a former Rutgers football player who had a paralyzing injury back in 2010. Since his injury, Eric has successfully set-up a career for himself as a motivational speaker and sports broadcaster among many other entrepreneurial endeavors. He knows and believes in the power of having a positive mindset and is sharing his 3 tips to maintaining the right mindset to attract good vibes, plus an additional 2 tips below.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Arizona Science Center.

Art Direction by: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt. Location: Arizona Science Center.

The first step in creating a more intentional home, is truly understanding what an intentional home is. Britnee explains “when you walk through your door take notice of the feelings you have as you look around.” Pay close attention to those feelings and notice any sense of disconnect between what the reality of your space is and what you truly want it to be like. 

Again, intentional living is about paying close attention to how your choices and decisions make you feel. If your home is not filled with pieces and things you love, it will affect how you feel, and “how you feel is everything.” 

After you’ve taken stock of how your home makes you feel, it’s time to start focusing on how to make it a more intentional space. Britnee breaks this down into two steps:


Love yourself

Eric’s number one tip in attracting good vibes with a positive mindset is to love yourself. “You’ll realize that once you start loving yourself, those little things that usually bother you, you look past them. You’ll realize, in retrospect, it’s really not that big of a deal.”

A few things you can do to practice self-love; make a list of positive affirmations and repeat them to yourself daily, schedule time just for yourself every day, challenge yourself by learning something new and focus on being mindful of the things you think and feel.

In the interview, Eric points out that once you start loving yourself and not letting the little things bother you, people with similar mindsets will take notice and want to be a part of what you have.


Challenge your mind

“When you go through certain obstacles in life, you want to be prepared for them.” The best way to be prepared, according to Eric, is to challenge yourself through difficult tasks.

Challenging yourself and your mind will set you up for success down the road. If/when you are faced with adversity in your life, you will be better equipped to handle the situation if you have challenged yourself and your mind knows you can handle these difficult situations.

Eric explains, “When you have the mental toughness and your mind is trained to handle adversity, ultimately, you will succeed.” This is something he experienced first-hand through his injury and training as an athlete.


Surround yourself with the right vibes

Eric isn’t just speaking to the people you surround yourself, but rather every aspect of your life. “Look at the people you are following on social media, the apps you are clicking on on your phone, or the people in your life that you talk to.”

Pay attention to how those things make you feel. If there are negative emotions coming up from a certain person you follow on Instagram, unfollow them. If someone is bringing negative energy into your space, try your best to distance yourself from them. It’s all about creating and keeping the positive vibes, while distancing, as much as possible to anything or anyone bringing up negativity.


Set goals for yourself

To go along with tip number 2, Eric recommends setting goals for yourself. “Set goals that you see as attainable, as I mentioned challenge yourself, but goals that you see are going to better yourself.”

These goals can be long-term goals or short-term goals, but make sure they are attainable. As you achieve these goals, you will not only experience a sense of confidence, but you’ll also be able to see what focusing on something positive can do for your mindset.


Reward yourself

As you accomplish your goals, Eric reminds you to reward yourself. Whether it’s getting ice cream or going shopping, reward yourself for your accomplishments.

Setting and accomplishing a goal is something that should be celebrated and when you celebrate those accomplishments, no matter how small they may be, your mind will start to associate those accomplishments with a good feeling, which in turn will create a better mindset.

Again, having a positive mindset and attracting those good vibes go hand-in-hand, but they might not always come easy. Remember to give yourself grace as you utilize these tips from Eric and know that you are working towards having the right mindset to attract all the good vibes in your life.



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