Refocus your Relationships this Libra Season
Art Direction, Photograph and Edit by: Catie Menke. Model: Abigail Ruby.
Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Abigail Ruby
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
Looking at your completed to-do list, wondering what comes next?
Get ready to re-focus on your relationships, because Libra season is upon us!
Virgo season brings us back to order after the (typically) hot-girl summer antics of Leo season. And once we refine the routines of our day to day existence, we are ready to focus on our relationships again. Libra is the sign of our most important one-to-one connections. In your personal life, that’s your significant other or your best friend. Professionally, it can be your business partner. Regardless, Libra season highlights how you relate with those you spend the most time with.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Abigial Ruby.
In any other year, Libra season might have us working on our relationships in a more superficial way. This year, however, it’s likely you’re going to experience more friction than usual. C’mon. It’s 2020. How else were we gonna roll?
The reality is, the combination of the pandemic, economic challenges, social unrest, the climate crisis, global uncertainty and political division has us on edge more than usual. And while staying busy with tasks during Virgo season may have served as a distraction from some of your more glaring relationship issues, Libra is bringing them back to you, asking you what you would like to do. You can no longer hide from the things you were hoping would just go away. Indecision is one of the hallmarks of Libra, but aggravating aspects from both Mars retrograde in Aries and the cluster of heavy hitters in Capricorn (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Pallas Athena) has you ready to take action.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Abigail Ruby.
We’ve already been culling our friends lists these last few months, weeding out those whose paths no longer align with our own. That task is easier to do with people that generally hang on the periphery of our lives. It is much more challenging to confront what’s been bothering us with those we are closest to.
Balance is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship where both people feel served. The relationships where you feel like you’ve been doing most of the heavy lifting are likely to reach a head this month. The middle of October is especially contentious, and will likely have you reaching a boiling point. Lower Libra energy is petty and plays passive aggressive games. Take the high road, organize your thoughts, and set aside some time to have a constructive discussion where each person has time to share their side.
Once you muster up the bravery to have the hard conversations, more often than not, you’ll find that the other person also has been harboring frustrations they would like to resolve. And as you work through those things together, with each person taking responsibility for their side of the street while committing to doing better, you can bring more stability to the foundation of the relationship. If we have learned anything this year, it is the value of connection and how vital it is to our happiness, health and wellbeing.
And if you decide that it is time to part ways with a significant person in your life, this will be the time to do so. We are creating new structures in our lives, and not everyone gets to come with us to the next phase. The last aspect the sun makes before it moves into Scorpio in late October is an opposition to Lilith. Don’t stay committed to something that has you feeling like less than yourself. Liberation from relationships that repress you free you up for healthier connections.
Regardless of how your relationships shift during this time, it is important to remember that how you show up in your closest relationships tends to manifest in the rest of the relationships in your life. Working through the bigger conflicts you are addressing now will help you to easily navigate smaller ones. And being willing to let go of people that you can’t make it work with where you have invested significant amounts of time and energy makes it easier to let go of less intimate relationships with similar dynamics that might be draining you in smaller ways. Every part of this season is meant to bring you back into balance first with yourself, and then with those around you. This year’s Libra season won’t be the NetFlix and chill you might have been hoping for, but it will definitely strengthen your relational skills. And, let’s be honest...haven’t you already made it to the end of NetFlix anyway? Honesty and chill is your Libra schedule for 2020.