10 Ways to Destress When the World Feels too Heavy to Carry
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Darby Ball.
Copy by: Julie Dillon
Model: Darby Ball
Creative Direction & Intro Copy by: Catie Menke
Have you ever felt like the world is too heavy to carry? That if you try to add one more item to the to-do list, it all might come tumbling down. Personal Development and Life Coach, Julie Dillon, gives us 10 ways to refocus and destress when that feeling of too much to carry comes back around.
Breathe. Take 4 sets of 4 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to reset and calm your brain.
Art Direction, Edit and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Darby Ball. Copy: Julie Dillon.
Eat nutrient rich foods. We often don’t eat or overindulge when we are stressed. Your brain needs those nutrients now more than ever.
Set limits. Working through exhaustion for 20 hours is not nearly as productive as being fully committed for 10. Saying “yes” to every activity when you are already pressed for time is not helping anyone.
Art Direction, Edit and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Darby Ball. Copy: Julie Dillon.
Rest. This includes sleeping around 8 hours a night, which may mean you need to put screens away before you are ready. It also includes taking breaks throughout your day. Studies show people are far more productive if they take a three minute break every hour that they work, the break can be as simple as standing up to stretch.
Get your endorphins going. Commit at least 30 minutes a day to the physical activity that you enjoy most. This helps so many systems in your body. It is worth carving the time out of your schedule.
Identify triggers for your fear/stress/anxiety. If your stress levels peak every time you do a certain activity or interact with a certain person. Try to get to the why of that and make any necessary changes.
Meditate. Meditation can start as simply as committing a few minutes a day. There are many apps that will walk you through calming routines.
Art Direction, Edit and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Darby Ball.
Surround yourself with people who calm you. Seek out the people who defuse the situation and add positivity to your life.
Get help. We were never meant to bear our burdens alone. This could look like reaching out to a trusted loved one or seeking out a professional counselor or coach. Just talking it out with someone you trust removes some of the weight.
Reflect on victories and practice thankfulness. You have made it through hard things before. Remember that. Also, pay attention to all you have to be thankful for. Even write a list to refer back to. When we are focused on the good, it is difficult to remain so stressed.