Reflection: What Movement Means to Me
Art Direction, Photograph and Edit by: Catie Menke. Model: Tasha Marie.
Model and Copy by: Tasha Marie
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
I am restless. All parts of me. My mind, body and soul seek movement the way the tide seeks the shore. Sometimes I am the waves, desperate to collide with the sand. Sometimes I am the sand, waiting to for the tide to crash into me. Either way, no matter the role I play, movement is my constant.
In movement I find freedom. Freedom to explore. Freedom to be. Freedom to evolve. Freedom to live. In movement, all barriers melt away like the wax confining the wick of a candle. Time doesn’t exist. Space is whatever and wherever I want it to be. Nothing is stagnant. Not my limbs nor my energy nor my mind.
Like a magnet I am called to far off lands, new experiences, and new opportunities. When I follow what the universe presents me with I find that I discover more of myself. More of who I am. More or who I want to become. I discover more of what I am capable of.
Art Direction, Photograph and Edit by: Catie Menke. Model: Tasha Marie.
So often in life we are bound. Bound to work. Bound to others. Bound to commitments. Bound to time. Bound to expectations. Bound to I should’s and must’s. What happens if we were bound to ourselves? Just for a time? Does it make us selfish? Or does it make us better? Or like me, would it help you become more of who you are and less of what you do? Who you are in your natural state, unencumbered by fear or the demands of society. What would happen if you broke from the shackles of your habits and routines? Would you find the essence of your being?
I move in order to find fulfillment, purpose, and magic. I move to be closer to myself. I move to be free. I move because in all aspects of life, it is what I am happinest doing. In movement, I find my stillness. You never know, you might too.
No you don’t have to run a marathon but getting your body moving is good for your physical and your mental health. Do some stretching or go for a 20 minute walk. Be consistent and take note how you feel.
I understand not everyone can steal trips away to Europe but it’s the idea of experience something new, a culture, food, people in depth. Find a drivable weekend escape, get a cute airbnb and dive in.
Find any and every excuse to dance your ass off. Do me a favor. Next time you are home alone, put on your favorite upbeat song and let lose in front of your mirror. It will make you feel like a goddess and give you a ton of energy to tackle your day.