Four Stories on How We Find Renewal Through Travel
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kendall Merritt.
Copy and Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Model: Kendall Merritt
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
I’ve seen the mountains and Tasman sea of New Zealand. I’ve driven through the French countryside and had a café noisette by the Eiffel Tower in France. Each time I step outside my normal life into international exploration, I experience renewal.
I feel renewal when I get an emotional connection to a new place. I might be staring at the beach drinking steaming tea on a windy, chilly day when it hits me: the world is way bigger that I can understand. I might be touching a thousand year old wall when my understanding grows: our moment in history is but a blink.
The deeper understanding of the Earth and the universe creates hope and humility in my heart. It renews me with a sense of belonging and comfort.
The lessons taught by on-the-ground experiences in another place are a huge source of renewal — for me that’s been soaking up wisdom from Maori native culture and admiring the rich history of Paris through its architecture.
Madeline Borgmeier, a nursing student from Minnesota, spent time in Rome during February 2020, where she met locals, saw its architectural and natural beauty and tried Italian cuisine.
“I chose to travel abroad because I wanted to push my comfort zone, open my eyes to a different part of the world, and experience a different culture firsthand in a unique way,” she said.
Madeline said she came away with a better understanding of herself as well as Roman history and culture. Being across the world from everyone she knew revived her sense of independence and of bravery in putting her shy self out there.
“I experienced ‘renewal’ through experiencing a different culture firsthand and through learning how to be brave through independence,” she said.
She later visited Ecuador with her university classmates, including another soon-to-be nurse, Anna Tomhave.
Anna, who’s from North Dakota, spent the month doing clinicals in Quito hospitals and pop-up clinics in rural jungle communities. Before returning, she also spent a few days exploring the Galapagos, which, of course, included beach time, snorkeling and fun animals.
“While abroad, I learned how to be accepting of others who are different than me,” she said. “My way of doing things is not ‘right,’ and their way of doing things is not ‘wrong,’ just different. I feel like I can adopt that thinking into my everyday life in the U.S., as well.”
Anna speaks some Spanish but still experienced a language barrier. Restoration in Ecuador involved being put into a different perspective — outsider.
“Ecuador was truly eye opening,” she said. “I feel that I experienced renewal by being forced into the foreigner role, where I wasn’t fluent in the language and didn’t know the customs. I gained a new respect for those who aren’t native English speakers who have to make their own way here in the U.S.”
That’s what another world traveler who’s from Minnesota, Laura Johnson, also did after she spent fall 2021 in Exeter, England, as part of her anthropology education. She took her time to explore surrounding towns and even to take a solo trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. Laura enjoyed a couple trips to the British Museum and one to the National Gallery of Art.
“The experience renewed me in a way where I have more of an appreciation for what I don't know about the world and an appreciation for the world I got to come home to,” Laura said. “I met so many different people with incredible life stories. They had completely different outlooks, yet we were very similar in more ways than we would have expected.”
Laura’s British renewal inspired her to get involved with welcoming and supporting the international students at her home university. It also brought her a newfound self-assurance.
“When I was in a completely foreign place with no concept of direction, I was forced to ask the people around me for assistance,” Laura said. “I've noticed when I came back that I've conducted myself a lot more confidently when I interact with strangers.”
Globe trotting has influenced the way Madeline approaches independence, Anna approaches intercultural communication, and Laura approaches her home.
My own trips have shown me rejuvenation in the way I feel about myself and the world around me.
Anyone can choose renewal with a global getaway. Even reading a book from someone who comes from a different place can transport a person into a different perspective in the world. But if it’s possible and the inspiration strikes, global travel is an unbeatable source of renewal.