Did Someone Say Birthday?! Celebrate with Personalized, Solo Adventures
Art Direction, Photograph + Edit: Catie Menke. Model: Marcela Labrador.
Copy by: Jenna Thu
Model: Marcela Labrador
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
September’s celebration theme on CatieMenke.com — CONGRATS on your 3rd anniversary :) — works out great for me, as it's my birthday month, too! Remember when you were a little kid, and how excited you would get for your birthday? When do we, as adults, lose that joy of celebrating our day of birth?
I hear adult women (and men) say “I don’t like birthdays anymore” or “Oh it's not a big deal” or “Just another day” or the ones who want no one to know it's their birthday. Yet I see these same women throw elaborate parties and go to great lengths to make birthdays extra special for their children, friends, and spouses. Now, I understand that as women we are typically the caretakers and the planners in the household, but why can’t we be that for ourselves too?
Yes, I’m aware that it is nicer when others provide a plan and/or idea for the celebration of your birthday, but let's be honest, it usually falls flat or lacks the same effort you put into their special days. And that is okay. We all have different skill sets, and it doesn’t mean they love you any less. The thing is, I have a solution for you. Take matters into your own hands and do what you want! We are adults for crying out loud: We make our own rules.
Don’t let age steal your birthday joy. I’m a firm believer that wrinkles are a blessing, and the alternative to no more birthdays is morbid and sad. I feel a lot of the reason women don’t celebrate their birthdays (and even accomplishments) is because of the anxiety of judgement from others.
People will judge you regardless of what you do or don’t do, so just make things easier on yourself and do what makes you happy. For example, I attended an adult art camp last weekend with my mom and a few close friends. In my cabin was a woman who was at the camp alone, celebrating her birthday. She said she couldn’t find anyone to go with her, and she wanted to go, so that’s exactly what she did. She had a husband and kids at home but was taking these three days of camp for herself. She was nervous, but she ended up having the best time!
Sidenote: if you’ve never attended an adult camp, or even if you have, you should check out Unglued Adult Camp. I’ve also done things like this all alone in the last several years when I’ve been unable to find someone to join what I want to take part in.
Last year to celebrate my birthday I booked a sunrise hot air balloon ride. I’ve always wanted to do that, and I found an opening around my birthday. My husband had to work during the time slot I found, so I booked it for a ticket of one and had the time of my life soaring high in the sky.
I know going solo to things is way out of the comfort zone of some, and that is okay. If that describes you, make sure you still celebrate your special day however you want while catering to your love language needs.
Art Direction, Photographs + Edit: Catie Menke. Model: Marcela Labrador.
To share what I mean, in the midst of dating, my now-husband stopped getting me cards and writing in them for my birthday. To put it bluntly, this upset me. To me a meaningful, hand-written card is pure gold because I can keep them each year. I told him I expect this on my birthday and holidays, and now that he knows how important it is to me, he always has a nice handwritten, meaningful card prepared.
Another example is that last year was a big birthday for me, and I had a vision of a cake I wanted. I knew if I asked my husband to get me a cake it probably would not match the idea I had in my head. So instead of letting go of my idea, I made it happen. I called the baker I wanted, ordered it and had my husband pick it up on my special day. If you really want something, make it happen.
Now, I want you to think of something you’ve always wanted to do, and I challenge you to try to do it for your next birthday, no matter how big or small.