Glitter + Gratitude. 3 Things I've Been Focusing on During the Pandemic
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tasha Marie.
Model and Copy by: Tasha Marie
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
Shakespeare might have been right when he said “all that glitters is not gold.” But I’ve found that when you see things through a lens of gratitude, everything sure does sparkle. I don’t know about you, but with this seemingly never ending pandemic and an election that had more drama than a Maury episode, I’m putting on my gratitude glasses and throwing glitter everywhere.
I’ve been in Hungary since October and my excitement about spending the next six months in Europe quickly faded when I realized I was going to be kind of… stuck. At least for the next few months. COVID has effectively put a stop to my weekly trips to Vienna and visits with friends who live in other countries. A small price to pay to stay safe and try to stop the spread of the virus that has all but cancelled most of 2020.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tasha Marie.
With traveling off the table, my question became, what to do in my small Hungarian town? At first I found solace in 19th century buildings, cute cafes and croissants. A lot of croissants. I felt almost normal being with other people (properly social distanced of course). I was grateful to be dining out at my favorite restaurants, drinking specialty coffee and a road tripping to Budapest. But just like that, Hungary, along with several other European countries has entered a second, less restrictive lockdown, meaning that all of my previously listed pleasures are no longer. At least for the next month. I’ve been forced to find joy in the smaller things in life like an adorable dapple dachshund that wears a raincoat on his walks. The joy that little pup brings me when I see him is immense considering he isn’t even mine.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tasha Marie.
This second lockdown has given me new insight and made me realize, when things are “taken away,” you are given the gifts of creativity, opportunity, and self discovery. In my new life of semi lock down I’ve spent more time trying new recipes, discovered the greatness that is Gossip Girl (I’m about a decade late and I’m ok with it), and started making vegan cookies that I’m addicted too despite not being a vegan. I’ve meditated often, sipped my morning tea a little more slowly, and breathed a little deeper. The more I focus on gratitude and joy, the more joyful life seems.
Humans are meant to be happy. Joy is our natural state. Let’s take a page out of Tony Robbins book. “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”
When I was working a 9-5 I always wished it was Friday on Monday and Saturday on Wednesday. It was the same when I had an event or something to look forward too. I would say things like “I cant wait until…” I realized I was always wishing days or even weeks of my life away because other days were less eventful or important. If you’re the same way, it’s time to stop with the B.S. There is so much beauty in each and every day. We only have this one life, stop wishing parts of it away. Yes that means COVID as well. What opportunities lie within the pandemic? What can you do more of? What can you learn? What can you feel? Just a few things off the top of my head, can you… spend more time with family or friends? Start classes online? Volunteer? Find stillness? Make a list of things you’ve been able to do or want to do in the next few months and start checking them off!
On the days I don’t have a run-in with the dapple dachshund in a raincoat, I do one thing that I know will make me ecstatic. It should be something that brings you so much joy your face hurts from smiling, or your hands tingle with excitement, or your heart feels like its melting in your chest. For me personally, it can vary from a song to a pastry. What can I say, I’ve got range. For you it can be a hobby, a food, or a person. Your guilty pleasure is your own but I suggest you have one that helps you feel “normal” in not so normal times. If you are struggling to come up with something sit down and write a list of all the things that make you happy. Choose one thing from your list for the day. I’m a fan of lists if you can’t tell.
In my post for last month, I talked about what movement means to me. It is truly apart of who I am but it has also been a safe haven, surprisingly full of gratitude and mindfulness. Going for walks, especially in nature has been amazing. It gives me time to think and move the stagnant energy from my limbs. I always feel so grateful for my health and able body. I am grateful for the life and beauty that surrounds me. I am grateful for the fresh air that fills my lungs and the sun, breeze, or rain that hits my face. Depending on where you in the world it may be too hot or too cold to even think when you’re outside so alternatively, go for a drive or park somewhere with a view, play your favorite songs, refer to step one and just be present.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tasha Marie.