Sagittarius Season Shines A Light On Truth

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.


Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Courtny Elizabeth
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

The sun heads into gregarious Sagittarius on November 21.  This is always an invitation to enjoy our holiday seasons with joy, gratitude and gusto, as Sag energy is big, bold and bright.  Typically, we roll into this time of year ready to loosen up and celebrate.  But because of the unique circumstances we’ve been dealing with all year, it may feel a bit more difficult to get there, especially if you’re looking backwards at all that has been 2020.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

Before I continue, I want to preface what comes next with a bit of a disclaimer. If you simply can’t get to a place of gratitude this year, even if all the holiday messaging is telling you that you should, it’s okay. Personally, I’ve been struggling with my mental health (not even astrologers are exempt from rough times!), and I know some of you may be reading this, thinking that the world keeps crumbling, so how can there be anything to be grateful for? I see you, I feel you, and I’m so sorry. The other side of this is that I know there are also quite a few of you who may actually be thriving and feeling a tad guilty about it. There is nothing wrong with making lemonade when handed lemons! Beyonce did it and had a hit album. But I think it is important to acknowledge ALL ends of the emotional spectrum, especially right now, and the importance of not forcing anything.

Regardless of how you’re feeling currently, Sag season is offering us some really unique opportunities to integrate this year’s experiences into the core of our beings, to truly learn from what we have been through, and discern what we want to take with us moving forward.  We’re starting to get glimpses of our futures, after feeling like we’ve been in a fog for the majority of the year.

The major energy for this month is that of truth.  After all we’ve been through this year, what is your truth?  How do you want to stand in it?  How do you want to build from it?  The idea of truth has been nebulous at best for a while, but we finally start to get some clarity, and that clarity is healing.  

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

As you’re having your own revelations, it’s important to remember that EVERYONE has their own version of the truth.  Think back to being a kid when you’d fight with a sibling (or now, if you’re a Kardashian!).  You each think the other one started it, and you both have different ideas of what that event was.  Maybe you were bullied into giving up your version, or maybe you stood your ground even when you knew you weren’t right.  And maybe, your version was the right version all along and you were able to argue your point (and subsequently, probably grew up to be a lawyer).  But when it comes down to it, you still have your version, and your sibling still has theirs. 

In a world where information has become increasingly accessible, it’s easy to get caught in a spiral that has you consuming other’s opinions without defining your own.  We are being bombarded with multiple stories, sides, accounts.  Government gaslighting and media manipulation has left us doubting and suspicious.  Who is right?  What is right?  We see this conflict on the news, we see it in our social media feeds, and coming off a contentious election, we see it in our neighbors yards and on their bumper stickers.  But regardless of what is going on around us, we are being called to define what is true for us as individuals.  To stand in it, to own it.  To recognize that it may not be okay for everyone, and gracefully allow others to have their own truths, too.

It’s important to recognize that truth and knowledge go hand in hand.  If you’re committed to truth, you’ll glean knowledge from that, and in that informed place, you’ll know what you want your next move to be.  We’ve been living in a space where it feels like our next step seems invisible.  Not anymore.  Sagittarius energy is anything but hazy.  It’s an empowered energy that moves with hard-won wisdom and a sense of humor about the tough times.  If you’ve felt like laughter has been hard to come by, you may finally be ready to crack a smile at some of the things that have happened this year.  And from that lighter place, sure in what you believe, you finally understand what needs to happen to move forward, even if you aren’t yet ready to leap.

This Sag season also has us navigating two eclipses.  First up, the full moon eclipse on November 30 has us asking the age old question:  Should I stay or should I go?  You’ll likely receive some news about someone else’s truth that has you making rapid-fire decisions around whether or not that’s a truth you’re willing to live with.  Pause, and be grateful you know the other side of the story.  Ask yourself if that person or situation can help you partner with the next phase of your life.  If not, it’s best to pull that bandaid off quickly.  If so, it is important to make sure that you’re being clear with them on what your truth is, too.  Your side of the story is just as important as theirs.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Courtny Elizabeth.

Next, we have a new moon eclipse on December 14.  This is the point where we start to feel the motivation to take action.  If you’ve been going through the motions, not sure what day it is (*checks calendar*), this is when you’ll finally shake off the doldrums and decide to LIVE.  It is important, however, that you’ve taken the earlier part of Sag season to firmly establish what your truth is.  You may have had some challenges where you were tested to see if what you say you believe is ACTUALLY what you believe.  If you haven’t done that yet, this is when you really must become clear, or someone else is going to declare your truth for you.  You obviously aren’t bound to their decisions forever, but you are being pushed now to claim ownership of what matters most to you, knowing that it’s the key to your own freedom.  If you don’t claim agency over your truth, you’ll likely stay in the spin cycle of the past.  Let the old stories you used to tell yourself be the catalyst to write new, better, more truthful stories to fuel your vision of the future.

By the time we make it to the end of Sagittarius season, we feel like we know who we are again, and who we are growing into. We are clear (finally!) on what we believe to be true, and we are standing in it. From that place of confidence, we are ready to move forward. You may not be able to look back at this year with gratitude yet (and maybe you can...I don’t want to assume!), but if you can muster it, try to feel grateful for the clarity you’ve received during Sagittarius season. There’s a sense of relief that comes when the fog clears and the truth emerges. Lean into it, and know that better days are truly around the corner.



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