How Expansion of Business is Also Expansion of Self. Simple Ways to Grow and Expand Every Day

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Regina Lawrence.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Regina Lawrence.


Model and Interview featuring: Regina Lawrence
Creative Direction and Copy by: Catie Menke

In my most recent interview, Regina explains how expansion of business is also expansion of self and gives us simple ways we can bloom every day.

REGINA: The thing that comes to mind is every time we uplevel in our lives - in our businesses, in our personal lives - it requires an energetic expansion so that we can hold the space of that container. When we uplevel in our business and we want to grow the business, make it bigger, make more money, have greater impact - if we are still a smaller version of ourselves, we can’t hold that energy of that new container. That’s why entrepreneurs and the most successful people in the world are obsessed with self-development, with trying different things, with sitting with plant medicine. Anything that could have the potential to expand us, we have to try it.

CATIE: How do you focus on expansion and self-development?

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Regina Lawrence.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Regina Lawrence.

REGINA: So for me when I think about expansion, it’s funny. It seems counterintuitive. But for me to expand, I have to go outward and I have to go inward. So the going inward is more time with myself. More time in meditation. More time in reflection. But what feeds that is the going outward and having new expansive experiences.

For me it’s trying things that I’ve never tried before. Doing things that make me feel uncomfortable. Experimenting with different modalities and experiences that maybe make me feel uncomfortable. For example, 2 weeks ago my friend Kiki and I went to a blindfolded somatic dance experience.

CATIE: Yahhhhh??

REGINA: Everyone was blindfolded. There was music playing. And you literally just got to feel the music and let it flow. And dance your ass off. It’s something that would have made the past version of me uncomfortable but in the moment I was just like “whatever”.

Things like that, that are so out of my realm of comfort and possibility, are really helping me to expand me mentally, and physically, and spiritually and emotionally.

CATIE: That’s amazingggg. Do you feel expansion can be found in the simple things too? Like trying a new food? Reading a new book?

REGINA: Absolutely. It can be simple. I’ll even do things to change up the routine. So maybe I always drive the same way somewhere. Or walk the same way. I’ll walk a different direction. Every so often, when you go to the same gym for a long time, see the same people and you’re in the same energy - I’ll join a new gym. Or if you go to the same type of exercise class. You’re always going to spin class but if you shifted and went to hot yoga or barre. When you go to a new class, you are stepping out of your comfort zone, learning a new thing and connecting with a whole new group of people. That expands you as a human.



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