How to Stay in Flow as a Female Hustling Entrepreneur in 2021

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.


Interview featuring: Regina Lawrence
Model: Kaylin July
Creative Direction and Copy by: Catie Menke

In my most recent interview, Regina shares the importance of energy and staying in the flow with our businesses as we step into 2021.

REGINA: I think the biggest thing I’ve recognized is that we have to let go of the way we have been doing things and we have to have a fresh approach to how we are going to step into 2021. Because the world is an entirely different place. Business is different. Energy on the planet, I mean, have you ever felt how it feels now? It’s so different.

CATIE: And things that are important now weren’t valued at the same level as before. Priorities have really changed.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.

REGINA: The world is a completely different place right now and we have to as humans, as women, as business owners - we have to have a spirit of “I’m going to go with the flow.” And that spirit is very difficult for a female hustling entrepreneur.

CATIE: It’s really testing both our masculine and feminine energy and trying to find this beautiful balance of both.

REGINA: Exactly. For me, my masculine energy is in that I am a planner. I am organized. I sit down and teach how to map out your year, your month, your week, your day. Right? And I think that’s good to have a goal and an end point to where you are seeking to go, it’s good. But you have to be flexible with it because if 2020 showed me anything about my business and my life, it is that I have no control over anything. The only control I have is to how I respond and react to things.

CATIE: So in what ways would you tell other female entrepreneurs how to stay in the flow with their businesses especially at this time of uncertainty?

REGINA: One thing I would suggest is to constantly be paying attention to the temperature and the climate of your client or audience. That goes back to the idea of that our businesses aren’t about us - they are about the consumer, the client, the customer. We have to pay attention to their needs and approach it from a place of service.

The second thing I would say that goes off my first tip is to always be communicating with your people. Always be asking them how they are doing and what do they need. Whenever I do anything in my business, I have conversations with either my current clients or people that fit the demographic of my ideal client. Through this I am able to see what they need and be able to create and format around those needs.

CATIE: In what ways are you communicating to your clients or ideal clients? Through email, phone calls, DMs?

REGINA: All of the above. I will DM people. I will ask questions in my Instagram stories. I will look at my most recent social media posts and ask for feedback from some of my most loyal followers. I have found that people love to give feedback especially if you are starting to create something new because they get to be a co-creator in it.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.

CATIE: I definitely will be applying that more - asking for feedback. Because I do agree people love to share their input and help. Is there one final tip you’d like to share to help us stay in the flow with our businesses?

REGINA: The last thing I would say that would help you stay in flow with your business is to actively check in with yourself first and see how you are staying in flow with your life. I realized that there are certain things in my life that help me to keep my energy positively moving like daily workouts, taking walks, moving my work environment, drinking a lot of water, journaling, reading - those types of things help me to stay in flow with my life.

CATIE: The self-care and self-awareness we need of ourselves is necessary in order to be successful in our entrepreneurial journeys - to stay in this beautiful feminine energy flow while hustling our hearts out. I couldn’t agree more.



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