I’m a Professional Organizer and These are the Simple Things I Follow to Help Me Edit and Spruce Up Any Space
Image of Britnee Tanner.
Model and Copy by: Britnee Tanner
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
I’m a firm believer that your home should be your happy place - your sanctuary even.
And I believe that in order for it to really, truly be your happy place, it has to be intentionally curated.
But how do you make your home intentional? How do you make it so dreamy that you can’t wait to get back to it once you leave (or don’t leave because, well, quarantine). How do you make it a place that you love?
I’ve created a simple guide (one that I also subscribe to) to help you make your home more intentional. Print this out or take a screenshot and save it for quick reference. It will help you take action when it comes to creating a space you love.
Image of Britnee Tanner.
Pay attention to your interior aesthetic
What are the most important things to you? In other words, what do you value? Are those things visible and obvious in your home? Do you feel that they are a part of your interior identity? How could they better show up visually?
Do you enjoy the overall look of your home? Does it match the style you love or is there room to improve it? If so, what steps can you take to update it?
Is your space overloaded or lacking in decor? Could it use more or would it benefit from a good purge?
Do the colors of your interior make you feel calm?
Create an organization system for the various zones in your home
When you look at your closets and cabinets what do you see and feel? Is it a place of peace or does it feel overwhelming? If you have too much, tackle one space at a time and create piles. Piles to donate, discard and keep. This allows you to sort through every single thing in any space.
Once you sort, measure and identify how many containers you need to really help organize what's left.
Don’t be shy about getting rid of stuff
At the end of the day, the closet of your dreams isn’t unachievable. It just requires that you get rid of the clothes you never wear (or forgot you had) and invest in a few containers. Same goes with your pantry, your kids’ toys and the garage. Be ruthless about purging! Less truly is more. You’ll feel free. And you’ll fall in love with your home when you discard the unnecessary.