Journal Prompts to Inspire Love to Swell and Flow Through You
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Models: Stephanie Rose and Nikki Sandusky.
Copy by: Alana Eastling
Models: Stephanie Rose and Nikki Sandusky
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
Being intentional in the ways I fill my cup cultivates an overflow of love to share with others. In listening to my heart and pouring love into myself first, I’ve found a greater capacity to show up in love for those I care about. The two pillars of my current self love recipe are practicing intuitive consciousness and keeping curious. Quieting the noise in my mind to allow my inner knowing to reveal the needs of my heart is a challenging but rewarding exercise. The key to this process is complete trust in my intuition and a lot of deep breathing. The moments I am unable to subdue my inner chatter, I follow my sister’s advice of replacing any self-judgement I experience with curiosity. This inner curiosity has empowered profound self-worth and growth, expanding my self love with each piece of me I uncover.
Along with journaling, I’ve been exploring how meditation and mantras enhance my self love repertoire. This practice speaks to both intuitive consciousness and curiosity. Janice Wong’s live Chakra Cleansing with Deep Cello meditations, hosted on Insight Timer, have sparked a deeper connection to my highest self. Her music inspires a mantra for all seven chakras, directing awareness and love to each energy center. I hold each of these mantras close to my heart, empowering the courage to embrace every piece of my soul. The afterglow of loving myself to the best of my ability, and in turn those I care about, keeps my heart vibrating with gratitude.
By sharing my mantras, I hope they encourage mindfulness in filling your own cup. And these journal prompts inspire love to swell and flow through you. You are capable and worthy of loving each piece of your heart and soul.
Love and light,
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Models: Stephanie Rose and Nikki Sandusky.
I am grounded by the home I cultivate within myself.
What does home mean to me?
In what ways can I strengthen a sense of belonging within myself?
I grant myself the freedom to acknowledge and feel every emotion that flows through me.
How can I bring more awareness and curiosity to what each emotion is trying to show me?
I am committed to showing up for myself. I am capable of any and everything I set my mind to.
What are my most unique qualities?
What hardships have I overcome that highlight my strengths?
How can I practice being more vulnerable?
I am love and light, keeping an open heart. I breathe love in and breathe love out.
In what ways can I give myself more grace and compassion?
Who are the people who fill my heart with love and how can I better share my appreciation for them?
How can I embody love towards myself and others?
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Models: Nikki Sandusky and Stephanie Rose.
My voice holds value. I have power in my truth.
How can I practice speaking my truth?
Which means of self-expression do I find most genuine? Most rewarding? Most freeing?
I trust in myself and my intuition.
What is my best kept ritual in connecting to my inner clarity?
The last time I was conscious of my inner knowing, what do I remember feeling, hearing and/or seeing?
I am healing and growing towards my highest self. I surrender to the magic of the universe.
What motivates me to invest in becoming the best version of myself?
How can I embrace trusting the universe has my best interest at heart?