Journal Prompts to Reflect, Embolden and Inspire Your Past, Present and Future

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Somana Mak-Lowry.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Somana Mak-Lowry.


Copy by: Alana Eastling
Model: Somana Mak-Lowry
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

Before 2020, I used my journal to map out timelines and trackers for my various goals. “By this time next year…” “In the next few months…” “In a couple of weeks…” The long-term uncertainty of the last year or so has forced me to redefine my sense of control. Rather than achieving milestones by self-proclaimed deadlines, my intentions to live my highest truth are the only constant I believe to be within my control. I trust the universe rewards intention and patience with her magic. The freedom I’ve found in letting go of asking when has strengthened my understanding of my power in the now. Consciousness is the key that unlocks my definition of success. Why and How? Tapping in to explore these questions guides me in expanding my awareness towards my intentions for growth.  

I have a daily intentions checklist of habits that help ground my mindfulness practice — yoga,  journaling, meditating, reading, exercising, creating, connecting. I consciously call it an intentions checklist rather than a to-do list to remove any pressure for productivity. It’s a menu of options to connect with myself depending on what I am feeling at that moment. Yoga and journaling are the two exercises I find most rewarding. Yoga is my best tool for dropping into consciousness through my breath and body. Journaling bridges the present with my past and future through mindfulness of my current thoughts or feelings. In my pages, I explore my  experiences and learnings of my past, how those affect and can be applied mindfully in my present, to show up in conscious alignment for my future.   

My hope is these prompts reflect the lessons from your past, embolden mindfulness in your present and inspire manifestation for your future. You deserve grace through every chapter in your story. 

Peace and light, 


Free printable

Journal Prompts written by Contributing Writer Alana Eastling


Every step in my journey has been essential in leading me to who I am today.

What brought me joy as a child? How can I find ways to return to that same joy? 

If I could speak with my ancestors, what would I thank them for? What would I ask them? What pieces of myself would I want to share with them? 

How can I practice more compassion for my past self? 

What is some advice I’d share with my younger self? 

If I were to write a love note to my past self, what would it say? 


I hold space for the truths I live today, conscious of my power in connecting to this now.

If I soften my gaze or close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, how do I feel in this moment? 

In this here and now, what am I most grateful for? 

What practices help me tap into the present? 

What do I believe to be my purpose in this life? Am I in alignment with that purpose? If not, how could I move towards that alignment? 

What is the balance between love, health, work, and play in my life? Is that in alignment with my ideal balance? If not, what can I change to achieve that?



My intuition and mindful intentions will lead me in my journey towards alignment with my highest truth. 

When I think about who I am becoming, how do I feel? 

What do I admire most about my future self? 

What impact will I have in my community and the world at large? 

If I were to write a love note to my future self, what would I say? 

Why does my future self deserve me to show up as my best self today?


Free printable

Journal Prompts written by Contributing Writer Alana Eastling


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