2 Ways I Have Learned to Manage Time and Get Where I Needed to Be, When I Needed to Be There
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kaylin July.
Copy by: Emily Rose
Model: Kaylin July
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
If you are anything like my family growing up, time was only a construct that everything going on in life has to follow...or attempt to follow at least. I grew up in a household of a family of five and two younger siblings. The older we got, the more activities each week we were signed up for. My mom spent most of our childhood taking us in the car from point A to point B. From dance classes, piano lessons, gymnastics meets and so forth there was always some place we had to be.
I grew up changing and eating in the car, because there were never enough seconds in the day to get to each place early enough to do so. No matter how quickly we rushed from each place to the next, we were always late in some shape or form.
The clock continues to tick and does not wait for anyone. Time moves forward whether you are ready or not.
Write It Down
I personally remember things better whenever I write something down by hand. Going out and buying any size planner of your choice and carrying it around with you, will help figuring out your schedule, so that you are not overbooked each day.
If you do not want to buy a planner, there are apps on your phone and “Google Calendar” might be a better fit for you.
Write down on the date of the event or activity, the time, what you need and where it is. If you do that the day you get the information or already know your schedule, It will make a huge difference and keep you organized.
Another option could be getting notecards, sticky notes or even just a notebook and write bullet point lists as well to help stay on top of what your needs are week- to-week.
Plan Ahead
It is hard to focus on what needs to be done in the hectic moment; so planning ahead either the morning of or the night before is super beneficial.
Pack a bag with the clothes you need, food or snacks during the day on-the-go, etc. This way it is one less thing to worry about and you are prepared for each day.
Make sure to know the routes whether you are driving, ubering or any form of public transportation so that you can add in factors of rush hour traffic or little things that can make you late.
I personally like to call my car, my “house on wheels,” because I constantly have everything for my busy schedule. I also am not the best at managing how much time I need for driving or getting ready, so I tell myself I need to get there an hour to thirty-minutes ahead of the time I actually need to be there. This helps me be at the location physically and gives me time to be there mentally and get all of my stuff together.
I have struggled with time management my whole life and made it a goal to turn that around in my first year of truly “adulting.” I hope that you too can learn how to manage your schedule on-the-go.