How Gaining Confidence in Myself Has Helped Me Learn How to Say "No". Plus Ways You Can Too

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Izzy Brown.
Copy by: Emily Rose
Model: Izzy Brown
Creative Direction: Catie Menke

Society has evolved us in a way that on a social hierarchy scale, we always have to be a character in everyone else’s plans. However, what it has not taught us is that although everything around us is following their path, we get so caught up in theirs that we forget about our own.
It is so simple to be trampled on when we don’t give ourselves a moment to think about self-worth and breathe. Learn the art of saying, “No.”
There is no need to make excuses, in fear of disappointing others. No need to over explain your situation, it is okay to genuinely decline the offer, in support of your mental health.
As I transitioned into the next chapter of my life after high school, being a genuine person, I feared the concept to let the people I cared about down. I was trapped in this tunnel of constantly agreeing to go out of my way for plans that did not align with my agenda that day or that benefitted my future. I loved to be a social butterfly, but little did I know I was suppressing what I wanted, in order to make those around me happy. I wanted to be able to balance the aspect of being a sweet person and not disappointing others.
I soon realized that having ambition to chase after what I want, had nothing to do with those around me, but came within myself. I learned that it was okay to step back and say, “No,” every once in a while to stick to my own agenda.

“Thanks for thinking of me, I really wish I could.”
“I’d love to, but I am already over committed.”
“That sounds fun, but is not going to work with my schedule at this time.”
“No thanks, but I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”
“I am busy right now, but maybe we can find time in the future.”
“Not today, I am going to take some time for myself.”

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Izzy Brown.
Once I started to have enough confidence in myself to say those things out loud, I had more time to be ambitious for my self-worth. Not staying up late all of the time, allowed me to get up easier in the mornings and make the most of my day by being productive. If I had assignments due and an audition of some sort, I allowed myself time instead of staying too busy to lower the stress.
There are so many benefits for not making excuses to get out of situations. Whenever I told the truth, I was able to earn the respect of not letting anyone down and make time for them in the future. One thing I truly learned from this was that things, people and places come and go, but who I really have to go on with life is myself. That is why taking care of myself and balancing my social life are so important.