Buh-bye 2020: Here are 20 Things I've Learned in 2020

Art Direction, Photographs and Edit by: Catie Menke. Featuring Models of catiemenke.com.

Art Direction, Photographs and Edit by: Catie Menke. Featuring Models of catiemenke.com.


Intro Copy and Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

The last day of 2020 is finally here. And we made it through!
Below is a reflection of 20 things I’ve learned throughout the year thanks to catiemenke.com Contributors.


Trust the process and love yourself hard through it.


Full moons are for culmination and release. Don’t let something stick to you if you’re ready to allow it to move on.

So, get nudey with the moon and release all that’s no longer serving you.


Don’t tolerate friendships, relationships, family members, or anyone in your life to say anything disparaging to you because that affects your ability to do what you’re on this planet to do.


It can be hard to create space for closure. You may want to wait until something happens to create closure or you may be expecting someone else to give it to you. But it is a chance to honor your highest self.


It can be difficult to let go of things that don’t serve you anymore. And really, the ultimate closure is freeing yourself from material possessions. 

Remember, things can’t love you back. While they remind us of memories, they certainly can’t recreate them. 


Learning is never a waste of time, and it gives you something that can’t be taken from you.


2020 has brought such extreme hardship for the masses, yet there is still so much to be grateful for.


Gratitude is often rooted in perspective. Once you can shift perspective to see what you’ve been given instead of what’s being taken away you can often accept your problems and even learn to appreciate what has been brought into your life.


You can let yourself believe that you have found a good home.


Speaking your intentions with clarity starts a dialogue with the universe and her magic.


Closing the door of a chapter can bring so much relief.


We have avoided sitting with ourselves for so long, our souls can find our bodies a scary, unsafe place to be. Assuring yourself that your body is a safe place for your soul to reside can help make all the difference in your ability to be present and still.

There is a fire within you just waiting to be ignited. There is a voice waiting to be heard. It’s time to listen.


Even the most dreaded scenarios are no match for the resilience of a dancer.


Sometimes, it seems like love doesn’t win. But even in the hardest of times, this doesn’t make love any less beautiful.


Movement is sensual. Movement is sexual. Movement is creative. Movement is chaotic. Movement is bliss. Movement is necessary.


Surround yourself with people who calm you. Seek out the people who defuse the situation and add positivity to your life.


Even the most graceful need grace.


It is essential to give yourself grace - and grace on the daily. Life can take some pretty unexpected turns, so it’s important to create a grace filled practice that keeps you happy, safe and filled with love.

If we are present with Mother Nature, in return we gain the care, calm and peace she provides.


Transforming your life and getting it to progress in a better direction takes new and intentional moves. In order to move in any direction from where you’ve been, a dominant guiding vibration has to be present, and chosen.


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