I Asked 57 People What They Were Grateful for in 2020. This is What They Said
Art Direction, Model and Edit: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt.
Intro Copy and Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
2020 has been a year of challenges, pivots and loss. It also has included such beauty, love and magic. Even with a year like the last, I wanted to spend the month of November reflecting on gratitude. I decided to include others in on my reflection and asked 57 people what they were grateful for in 2020.
“I’m forever grateful this year has given me the opportunity to slow down, gain perspective and reevaluate my priorities. It’s been a year of personal growth on many levels and I believe it will always remain a pivotal year in my life. ”
“I’m grateful for the bad. The scary, the unknown, the misfortune, the losses.”
“I am grateful for the opportunity to pause. This has been a wild year! Without the opportunity to pause the busy culture of my life, I would not have been able to make it through some really tough situations that came about.”
“If there’s anything I can proudly say I’m grateful for in 2020, it is feeling my emotions, working through them and accepting them. This year I have experienced incredible loss and I had to allow myself to accept that it’s okay to have bad days for days on end and it was also okay to have good days when others may not be. I have started to actively work on reminding myself that we cannot tell others how they should feel, but it is always okay to express how we feel. At the end of the day, we never know if we’ll get to express ourself to someone the next day.”
“The thing I am most grateful for is that when my mother passed away my daughter was in town. She dropped what she was doing and just hugged me. And my son was so concerned. He made sure that the whole family was together. Not having to sit there by myself will always mean the world to me.”
“This year, I’m thankful for the opportunity to be with myself. I thought before this year I knew myself as much as I could. But there is something about being physically separated from people and being forced to just be with you that has allowed me to get to know myself even better. It’s been hard. It’s been exciting. It’s been confusing. But I’m better for it - and for that I am eternally grateful! ”
“In the craziest of crazy years, there is still so much to be grateful for. We have to remember that waking up every day is a blessing and not guaranteed. This year has allowed me to step back from my busy schedule reflect on life and start to challenge myself in ways I don’t think I would have ever before. I see a bright future. It won’t be easy and it won’t always be fun but we will learn so much from it. We will really understand how grateful we should be each and every day.”
“As a new aspiring tattoo artist in the industry, I’m grateful for the trust and support of my clients to re-enforce what I love and do best. Art and good tattoos. 🙏🏼”
“I am thankful I survived having the coronavirus, I am thankful to have remained employed during the pandemic, I am thankful that I am still able to make a difference in my students lives by providing both in person and virtual services, I am thankful that I got to cheer another season, I am thankful that I hit my savings goal for this year, I am thankful for fostering a cat during the pandemic—she emotionally helped me through a lot and we were able to help her be comfortable and safe while she recovered from surgeries, I am thankful for technology (laptop&AirPods) with all of the virtual meeting I have this year, I am thankful for things being taken away from me this year so that I realize how much I truly didn’t need and I was able to be grateful for what I actually already have, I am thankful I learned new hobbies such as golfing and wake surfing during the pandemic, and I am thankful that I reconnected with old friends and family during this time!”
“I would say despite it being 2020 and the hardships I’ve faced personally, I’m extremely thankful for the people God has placed in my life and my family. You forget sometimes how we need to be surrounded by like minded, solid people and I for one have had friends show up when I needed them most, no questions asked. Friends like that are rare and I don’t take that for granted. I also have been blessed with a great family and we’ve been hit with some hard news with my moms cancer diagnosis this year, but it truly has brought us closer together. For that, I’m incredibly thankful. Hard year for sure, but at the end of the day, God is still good! That’s what I am grateful for this year!”
“A few things that I’m thankful for is losing my job this past year. In doing so it’s allowed me to push my own limits as a business owner and has provided me with more time with my family than I could have ever imagined. Don’t get me wrong, 2020 has been a rough year but definitely been blessed in the opportunities that have come from it.”
“This year I’m thankful for the messy middle. I think many can relate, 2020 has been full of transition and most things still feel in flux. I’ve had changes in career, constant transitions in motherhood, changes in routines and plans... But with all the change and uncertainty, I’ve found some real joy! I’m finding this part, the part in between it all, it’s slow and sweet. What you can control can be truly intentional, changed plans can actually be better and missed opportunities actually chances for rest. This year has certainly been messy, but I’m so thankful for it!”
“I’m grateful for this pandemic actually it’s given me a chance to weed out a number of people, places and things that didn’t serve for my better good.”
“I am grateful for many things this year. With the year we’ve had this year it’s definitely taught me one thing and that’s to never take life for granted. We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Such as our family, jobs, church, friends, education, teachers, mentors, wife, husband, health, and our own selves. We are all God’s creation an he truly blessed us by being able to touch the world with our presence. To be honest this year I am so thankful for everything in life. Whether it’s good or bad, because no matter the outcome (good or bad) it has molded me into the Man that I am today. It’s been one of the toughest years of my life for sure. However, as complex as it has been I’ve adapted, learned, and overcame everything that has been thrown my way. I am thankful for everything this year, and I hope and pray the lessons and blessings keep coming my way!”
“When I am asked the question about what I am grateful for in 2020 or any other years, my answer will always be my two kids. My 20 year old daughter Annelise was accepted to start her junior year at ASU. My 14 year old son who is turning into a fine young adult in high school. I am beyond grateful that I have been able to be a part of raising my kids as a divorced father in all the years of their lives.”
“This year has rewired my heart & mind to stay in a place of constant gratefulness. I never thought hugs would be forbidden, holidays and birthdays would be spent alone, and toilet paper would be a hot commodity. This year has made me especially grateful for the love of my dogs, and their effortless joy. The purity in their hearts; how excited they get over our simple presence, never fails to humble me. Hug your pets a little tighter!”
“If there is anything that I can be grateful for this year is my health, my family’s health, and my friends’ health. You never know how important your body and health is to you until that is taken away from you. I am also grateful for the community that is built within my industries. Hairstylist and makeup artists have especially been hit hard this year and it was amazing to see us all rally for each other and make happen what we needed to happen.”
“This year I am most grateful to have more time to laugh and play with my kids. Virtual learning has had its ups and downs but I love having my boys close by. I’m there when they need help or hugs and we have plenty of time to hangout during the day. I don’t feel like I need to pack it all into the small window between school pick up and when it’s time to cook dinner. Overall, things are moving at a slower pace and I’m appreciating the extra time and thought I can give to things.”
“This year I am grateful for perspective. I have really gained a new outlook on life: appreciate what you have, don’t take things for granted, and make the most of what you are given. Amidst all of the uncertainty, I have switched my perspective from focusing on what I want, to appreciating what I have. The result is a brighter, happier, more fulfilling approach to life. ✨”
“I’m grateful for my husband, family, friends, and for an amazing community that has continued to support my work and spark my creativity.
I’m grateful for the amazing business owners and creatives that I’ve had to opportunity to work with and be inspired by.”
“In this crazy year, I am truly grateful. While things are crumbling around us, family is everything.”
“I am sincerely grateful for all my families good health and for my good friends who are always there even after some time has passed.”
“I’m grateful for my health. With my pre existing condition and COVID - waking up everyday is a gift for me. I’m grateful for my family and my pets 😊”
“I am grateful for the slow down of the last year. Less things to do has allowed me to really enjoy all the boring and exciting moments at home with my little family.”
“2020 has been a year for the books but what I am grateful for is my health of both myself and my beautiful baby girls. I’m a nurse and during this pandemic, I’ve never been so thankful for my health and my family ❤️”
“This year I am most grateful for family. I am an international student and when COVID happened, schools all got shut down and we couldn’t stay on campus. I got very lucky that I have a family in the US that I can go to. That I don’t have to feel hopeless during COVID. ”
“I’m grateful for so much- the health of my family, the fact I have a job, I could go on. However this year, I’m extremely grateful for the teachers who are teaching both online and in person. I listen in on both my high schooler and elementary schooler classes and the instructors are patient and provide parents extensive communication. They are at a disadvantage as the ones who work at school have to be there much earlier as kids can’t run around and play on the playground. And the ones teaching online have to deal with internet issues and keeping the kids engaged. As well as working late into the day prepping for the following day and grading what comes in online. I hope that as a whole we see how hard this profession works and how much love and passion these teachers have for their kids. I also hope we can have more of an appreciation for the profession and encourage our leaders to invest in higher wages. They are an important part of our children’s lives and these are our future teachers, scientists, Vice Presidents.”
“This year has actually been one of the most special for me. I started taking my passions to create more seriously and I’ve seen massive growth in my Instagram audience (yes, guys, I’m also rolling my eyes at myself); I’ve forged more meaningful relationships with people who align more with who I am, and I starred in a short film (GOALS). I welcomed a cute-ass puppy into the family who gets me outside everyday, and I didn’t have to do the COVID test that punctures your brain. I’m still waiting to hear back from The NewYorker on some writing submissions, but I’m certain they’ll want me to become a full time contributor (sarcasm). And I’m grateful I’ve been able to recognize my privilege (in many aspects) and have meaningful conversations with family and friends about how to contribute to greater equality for all. Lastly, I’m grateful we get Tayshia as The Bachelorette.”
“In this season of life I am grateful for all healthcare heroes, endless puppy snuggles, sunshine in November, my husband, and seasonal Trader Joe’s items.”
“This year I am grateful for a year that has reminded me how fast things can change. A year that has reminded me to be thankful for every opportunity I’m able to have, to pour into the small group of people that support and love me always, and reassurance that it’s okay to not always have it all together!”
“When I think about what I’m grateful for amongst this pandemic my first thought is I’m grateful for a job where I can help ease the worries of my patients by providing them with care. I’m also grateful for the health and protection of my family and friends during this time. Overall I think the thing I’m most grateful for this year is being able to realize what is really important in life. In the rush and chaos of life I think we all tend to forget what is important and where we should be placing our focus. Whether it’s family, friends, personal health, quiet time, faith, etc. I think we all lose our focus at some point. I feel like this pandemic has helped me to be grateful for the small things and realize where I really want to focus my effort in life going forward.”
“This year I can truly say that life has become quite clear. It is vastly beautiful, yet it can instantly be gone. Therefore, I am thankful for my life— the life of my children, husband, and those who have shown their love and support during this challenging year.”
“This year I am grateful for support in so many ways for so many reasons. Emotional and physical. People have really shown up for me in ways I’ve never been conscious of before and it has helped me become a better version of myself to understand, accept, and return that support.”
“This year has been interesting to say the least. But I am grateful for the opportunity to focus on myself. When the world shut down, we all went home. I was able to take advantage of the time to focus on myself and what I wanted to be. I was able to think and clear up the little things that I have been putting off for a long time. Some of these were apologies, cleaning out old boxes, cleaning out old memories. I had time to do... things. I didnt have an excuse anymore, and I am so grateful for that. I also gained a new perspective. A lot of the stuff that I was worried about, really didn’t matter. This year highlighted to me what deserves my attention and what doesn’t. What is meant to be will work out, and I found my true belief in that.”
“I’m thankful for the person I will become (huh? Yah, I know right?). Like so many other people this year, 2020 has been a terrible year that wrought a lot of personal pain, loss, grief, helplessness and heartbreak for me. 2020 has forced me to reckon with myself in ways that has made me make full on eye contact with myself—which has led me to question my choices, my values and my purpose. Not unlike when we physically work out our muscles, 2020 has me stretching the figurative fibers of my mind, heart and soul and as a result, it’s shaping and strengthening me as a person. While this wretched year is not over yet, and neither are the personal challenges I’m currently going through, it’s with a very heavy heart, I know I’m already very grateful for the version of me that will emerge on the other side—broken, but still whole and thriving.”
“I am grateful for my family, fur babies, and our home. I am grateful that all my family and friends have been able to keep their jobs during this time. I am grateful for my amazing coworkers who are making unbelievable sacrifices to provide education for their students. I am grateful for people who go above and beyond their duty days to ensure safety, health and education to our communities. I am also grateful for this crazy, challenging year as it has provided major opportunities for growth. We will continue!”
“2020 was a weird year, to say the least, but looking back, it was a year that made me realize so so much. And while I have so much to be grateful for, there are 2 that really stand out....First, I’m beyond (beyond) grateful for my families health and that I got to see them in a time when a lot of people can’t visit with family and secondly, I’m incredibly grateful for all the personal growth this year has brought me - in so so many ways.”
“Of course I’m grateful for family, my health (especially today), etc., but this year I am truly grateful for myself and my growth. I’m grateful for the opportunity to say no to things and people that don’t add to my joy. 💕🤟🏼”
“2020 has been such a crazy year...if I could be thankful for one thing...it would be that my family and myself have been healthy this year! Many people have lost loved ones early because of COVID-19 so i’m very blessed to have all my family still here 🖤”
“This year I am most grateful for my parents. As I’ve gone through life I’ve realized how much they sacrificed for me and the lessons given throughout my life to shape me into the person I am today, and for that I am forever grateful of them. Also, a shoutout to my pup, Marley. Who during this year has taught me to really live in the moment and enjoy the most out of each and every day.”
“I am grateful for the ability to pause, ground, and return to myself when I feel off center any moment of any day. ”
“As I reflect on 2020, I find myself most grateful for the time I’ve been able to purposefully take to focus on what really matters; relationships, love, mindfulness and self-improvement.”
“I am thankful for my family and that they are healthy. I am thankful for my own health. I am thankful for my boyfriend and friends and their constant support. With COVID I am thankful that I am in a position to directly help people as a nurse and that I can truly make a difference in people’s lives. I am thankful that I have an education in nursing and that I can contribute in a positive way to what is going on in the country. I am thankful for Jesus and the promises He provides. I am thankful for the mentors in my life. Lastly I am thankful and blessed beyond measure to have been given another year with my best friends this football season.”
“Grandma- For always supporting me in anything I set my mind to, whether it be school, dance, or day to day choices. I know she’s a call away and that she won’t judge me or anything I decide to do.
Job- I’m extremely thankful for the employers I work for. They’ve allowed me to obtain experience in different ultrasound modalities right after I graduated college and I consider myself extremely lucky to have that opportunity.
Health- I’m thankful for my health. I’m thankful that if I were to get sick I’m able to heal with no complications or underlying conditions .”
“When this year began, I couldn’t imagine the life experiences I would be faced with. I think this goes to say for every living person. As Director of a well established salon in Uptown Phoenix, my co-workers at The Root Salon have became what I am most grateful for. I am in awe of what they have taught me about myself. My interactions with this amazing group of stylists has caused me to do a lot of self-reflection. This has forced me to learn how to process and react to people and situations - something that I continue to work on daily.
This summer I lost my best friend unexpectedly. This has hit me hard and it was only through my “Root Family” that I kept waking up and showing up for my life. My best friend previously worked at this salon, so my team all knew my best friend and because of this I was able to talk with them about my friend and help process what I was experiencing. Through their willingness to accept me during this difficult time, it taught me to accept people for who they are and understand that everyone is just doing the best they can at any given moment. This is why I remain grateful for this crazy bunch of people that I get to work with and call my “Root Family.””
“Grateful has a whole new meaning in 2020. I’m grateful for my health and to have access to healthcare. I’m grateful to be employed. I’m grateful to have a healthy relationship and partner to experience quarantine with (words I never thought I would say in my life). I’m grateful to have an incredible support system and friends who take the time to ask real questions, listen to the hard stuff, and checks on their friends despite their own life responsibilities. I’m grateful to live in a state with beautiful weather and outside activities galore. I’m grateful to be able to pay my bills. I’m grateful to be able to move my body. I’m grateful for unexpected free time. I’m grateful for all the little things that I took advantage of until our world was turned upside down this year. I’m grateful for NFL football. I’m grateful that I never ran out of toilet paper during the Great Toilet Paper Shortage. I’m grateful to be able to go to the grocery store. I’m grateful for all the things! But, I’m especially grateful to have so much to look forward to, even during a time that has shed more dark than light for many. ”
“I’m grateful for modern medicine that not only saves lives but also allows us to return to comfort.”
“I’m sorry. I was going to try to put some thought and energy into something to contribute, but I’ve been basically bedridden with some pretty gnarly COVID symptoms.
So in a couple of words: This year I am grateful for my health.”
“I’m grateful for perspective. Perspective that allows me to push through the tough times and feel proud through the bright times. Perspective that keeps me grounded and focused on what’s most important rather than getting caught up in the would/could/should. Perspective that I really can make a difference each day whether it’s a choice I make to love myself a little more or lend a hand to someone in need. Perspective is what I’m most grateful for.”
“I’m so grateful for the little moments spent with my family friends and my dog child . I’m so unbelievably blessed 🥰”
“I am grateful for the strength and flexibility of my marriage.”
“From the Oxford Dictionary of Languages, the definition of GRATITUDE is a readiness to show appreciation for & to return kindness. 2020 has brought unspeakable challenges I am learning to be grateful for. Hoping we all discover a deeper understanding & value to further pursue grace in 2021 💜⚡️”
“I am grateful for supportive and loving family and friends, to be able to continue my education, and for the continued good health of those around me.”
“I’m thankful for being able to pivot my business in order to adapt with COVID.
I’m thankful for every morning that I wake up, I’m thankful for being given a new chance everyday to make a difference in my family’s and my own future.”
“ I have always been a grateful person that does not ask for much. This year has been an extremely rough year for everyone due to the pandemic and other tragedies. But even through all of that, I am grateful for all 6 of my kids ages 25 – 3 and my 1 year old grandson.”
“This year I’m grateful for my health, my family’s health, my jobs, & my friends ❤️”
“I am beyond grateful I get to share people’s stories, talents, beauty and magic every single day. I am honored by the amount of trust people have in me with sharing their absolute truths. I am grateful I get to share my creativity with others. And I am incredibly grateful for love. ”