The Promise of Snow: Why Snow Represents Another Chance to Me

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Jessica Martin.
Model and Copy by: Jessica Martin
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
I was fortunate enough to spend this holiday season in a cabin surrounded by snow. This is special because having lived in Arizona my whole life, snow during the holidays is non-existent unless we’re willing to travel a few hours north. As my husband and I were preparing to travel, I began to reflect on what it is about a “white Christmas” that seems to be symbolically special. The phrase itself even has its own song, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas...” I became hyper aware of my own excitement of getting to view the powder dusting on top of Mt. Rainier. Then it hit me.
There is a subconscious message being received when we witness the beauty of snowfall. The white color is significant as it represents purity, cleanliness and sits comfortably in a state of being untouched. The chilled temperature represents freezing a moment in time. A mental snapshot of life as it currently stands. A complete blank canvas as far as the eyes can see. There’s no greater promise than that of another chance and that is what snow represents. We get to try again. The slate has been wiped clean. How beautiful is that?

Snow is a devouring force of nature. It has a life of its own, it does not relent and along with it comes the extension of darkness but on the other side there's light with new life just beneath its surface. Life we get to witness in the spring. Spring symbolizes new beginnings. Isn’t that what we all look towards every new year? A chance to conquer the dreams and goals we didn’t get to before. Maybe a chance to change a dream completely and build it from the ground up again.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Jessica Martin.

The year 2020 has been wiped clean with the promise of a fresh start in our lives moving forward and for that I couldn’t be more grateful. So, let's raise our glasses together. Here’s to coming out the other end stronger, more resilient, motivated and prepared to take on anything that comes our way! Let’s encourage and uplift each other as we take the first steps into a new year where we will forge gold.