New Year Thoughts: What if this was the Year that Everything became Easy?
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Andrea Fogle.
Copy by: Kelly Shiple
Model: Andrea Fogle
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
What if this was THE year? The year that everything changed. The year that we got out of our own way. The year that we released resistance. The year that we let go of all of the stories we’ve created in our heads. The year that we destroyed any and all obstacles blocking us from achieving everything we’ve ever dreamed and more. The year that we looked fear in the eye, took a deep breath, and said, “I fucking got this.”
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been someone who had to learn things “the hard way.” With literally everything - failed situationships, failed relationships, a failed marriage, failed friendships, not to mention getting myself into so many precarious situations throughout my life. After realizing I did it yet again, my response was always to shrug and think to myself that I have to learn things the hard way. That was the box I put myself in for decades.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Andrea Fogle.
I didn’t realize how much I was limiting myself until one night in 2020, prior to the world shutting down, I was out at dinner with girlfriends and agreed to meet up with a guy I had met on a dating app afterwards for drinks. We had been talking for days and I was excited to meet him. I showed up to the bar, texted him to let him know I was there, only to... not hear from him. I went to the bathroom to buy time. I did a lap at the bar and didn’t see him. I stepped outside and called him, only to get his voicemail. And then I realized – I got stood up. I was pissed. I called an Uber to GTF out of there. I felt so confused, angry, and alone. I got in the Uber and my driver started asking me about my night. In an attempt to make light of the situation I started telling him what had just happened. He looked at me and said, “You knew in your gut that this guy was bad news. Why did you go out with him?” I felt like I had been punched right in the gut. The same gut that had been noticing the red flags and trying to alert me to them since I started talking to this guy. My response? “You’re right, but I’ve always been someone who has to learn things the hard way.” My Uber driver looked at me again, shook his head, and said,
Ever since this experience I’ve been working on doing just that – changing my story. And this is the year that everything is changing. Everything is shifting. Everything is flowing with ease. For the better. For the greater good. I can feel it.
As we enter this new year, I keep asking myself,
The number one thing holding me back is me. I’ve never been someone who is afraid of failure. I’ve been a chronic self-sabotage expert for most of my life. My fear is success. Massive, epic, abundant success. And all the responsibilities and obligations that would come with that. What responsibilities and obligations you ask? I couldn’t even tell you, but this is the story I’ve told myself for most of my life.
It’s time to break the unconscious promises you made to yourself long ago. They no longer serve you. Leave them in 2020. You’ve outgrown them. It’s time to make new promises to yourself. And it’s time to keep those promises.
Who are you when you’re not afraid? What could you do if life were easy? What could you accomplish if there was nothing standing in your way? What would happen if you welcomed in the life you want? The life you’ve always dreamed of? With open arms. How beautiful life could be. What are you afraid of? What is holding you back? What can you do to bring yourself back to you? How can you return to what’s important? How can you reconnect with your higher self?
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Andrea Fogle.
We can resist and choose the story that everything is difficult. Or we can choose to allow life to flow with ease. It’s ultimately up to us.
This year, I choose ease. I choose to flow. I am open and committed to allowing the magic to happen.
The intention I set for 2021 is “Bigger than my wildest dreams.” I continue to chase my dreams always asking for this or something better.