Your Monthly Astrology Update: Fresh Visions For Aquarius Season
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Natasha Allen.
Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Natasha Allen
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
I mean, sure, we’ve got election turmoil, the unending pandemic stresses, and general life stuff like dentist’s appointments going on. But even through all that, do you almost feel, dare I say it, hopeful?
In late December, Jupiter and Saturn left the heavier energy of Capricorn earth for the lighter energy of Aquarius air, and on January 19, the sun is going to join in the fun for his month long trip through Aquarius. Aquarius represents our hopes and dreams, groups, future thinking and innovation. It’s a mentally nimble sign that’s always a few steps ahead of the game.
And after all the heavy earth energy we’ve been navigating the past few years, energy that has left us feeling bogged down and tired, this fresh vibe has us once again creating visions for what we’d like our lives to be as we slowly start to emerge from our collective crises.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Natasha Allen.
While last year’s astrological signature was a dumpster fire (that IS a technical astrological least, it is after 2020!), this year’s signature is a Saturn - Uranus square. Saturn and Uranus seem to be odd bedfellows at first glance. Saturn is about structure, responsibility, doing the work. Uranus is about change, chaos, rebellion. It doesn’t seem like they would have much in common. Except this one small thing, that’s kind of a big thing.
They are both co-rulers of the sign of Aquarius. Saturn is the ruler in classical astrology, prior to the discovery of Uranus, and Uranus the ruler in modern astrology.
How does this work, then? Well, when your mind is about to explode with new, Uranian ideas, it’s Saturn that helps you create a plan to execute. Want to upgrade social constructs in the collective? Uranus on his own might have you tagging Mitch McConnell’s house in the middle of the night for clicks and giggles. But it’s Saturn that helps you plan what you want to accomplish and organize the rallies so you can actualize the change you want. These two energies can work together productively when they each know their role.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Natasha Allen.
And with the first square building all month, becoming exact on February 17, it’s important to take a look at this energy and how you can use it for your own innovative rebuild.
It goes without saying that we can’t go back to the way things were, but it’s possible you may still be resisting that idea. Before we head into the alchemizing friction of the square energy, the best thing you can do is to accept that we are not going backwards. Use the full moon in Leo on January 28 to help you release the feelings of restriction around that idea and start to mentally process the idea of a new, maybe even better, way of being.
Then, reflect over the past year. What didn’t work? What STILL isn’t working? What would you like to change in your life to better reflect your values? What structures would give you more freedom? As we approach the point that the aspect is exact, you’ll start to feel this more acutely, urgently even. Notice what ideas you get over the course of the month. Make note of them, whether mentally or on paper. These flashes of inspiration are the brainstorming portion of what will become your blueprint.
It is important to note that our old friend Mercury, also in Aquarius, will be in his shadow period for the first half of Aquarius season and retrograde for the last half. All ideas that come up for you during this time are either a re-work of a current idea, giving you new insight, or ideas that will be re-worked as the retrograde cycle plays out. In true Aquarius fashion, do not get attached to these ideas. Allow them this time to breathe. Yes, you may feel like you HAVE to do something, as squares bring urgency, but we get two more over the course of this year. You do NOT have to get it right on the first one. The purpose of the first square tells you the story of what you’re working through, so let the messages come to you. You’ll have plenty of time to take action later. This is an information gathering mission for fresh ideas. Even the Aquarius new moon on February 11 isn’t a great time to seed new intentions because of the retrograde. If you want to call in anything during that time, call in a vision of the future you. This way, you can allow what comes in to not be weighed down by detailed expectations; you’re also likely to course correct when Mercury goes direct if you get too specific during this time.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Natasha Allen.
Finally, as we look to embrace this lighter energy and come up with plans for how we’d like to move forward, note that we have two different Hammer of Thor aspects in the chart that are in play all month. The Hammer of Thor can knock things out of our lives quickly if we want, but he has another purpose as well. When you study the mythology of the Hammer, you learn that he would growl when someone was in Thor’s presence that he didn’t like. As you’re spending time with your dreams, lean into anything that makes you growl a little bit. Explore why, and feel free to smite that thing with a (figurative) hammer if it doesn’t support the structure of your life moving forward.
After the day to day slog of the past year, we are finally in a place where there is a light at the end of the tunnel. No, the pandemic isn’t done yet, political tensions aren’t going anywhere either, and yes, you still have to go to the dentist. But as much as we’ve thought this can’t be forever, we finally start to see it shift, if only in our own visions for ourselves. Exhale. Our Renaissance is beginning.