Her Super Power: The Magic of Women's Intuition
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Anastasia W.
Copy by: Jessica Martin
Model: Anastasia W
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
Women are incredible beings. Everything about us is created with and for purpose. Our strength of mind, body and soul is awe inspiring. We have the ability to weather the storms of life yet continue to live fully, not leaving a hint of struggle to those around us and our physical beauty is worn like the icing on top of a sweet delicacy.
All of that to say, I have always been fascinated by what I believe to be our super power. Our intuition. While many people may have experienced a “gut feeling” or “bad vibes” a woman’s intuition goes past the realm of comprehension. It is a gift that when listened to closely, can change any circumstance in our lives and the lives of those we care about most.
There is a reason the term, “red flag,” has been used to identify traits in people we meet that are undesirable and lead us to react accordingly. The intuition of a woman however, goes beyond seeing what is right in front of us. It’s a connection we have between us and the very source from where this gift comes from.
Take a minute to think about some of your own experiences or stories you’ve heard about. The mother who “just knew” something wasn’t okay with one of her children. The wife who feels a pit in her stomach when her husband doesn’t make the routine call of letting her know he made it to work okay. The best friend who feels there is something not right about the new guy her friend is dating. Sound familiar?
I have a theory that if we took the time to quiet ourselves daily to pray, meditate, focus on or process those intuitive alarm bells that are going off, we could save ourselves (or others) long-term disappointment, pain or wasted time on people or opportunities that aren’t meant for us. It would mean being unapologetically honest with ourselves without the rationalizing or justifying whatever it is that’s giving us pause.
Like with any superpower, it may come inherently but it takes practice to perfect it. There’s a game of tug of war within us that comes from our nurturing side that causes us to quickly dismiss our intuitive power. We want to see the best in people.
Let me give you an example. Let's say you work in a business setting and notice that the behavior of a co-worker seems “off.” They may be a gossiper, quick to throw others under the bus, cozy up to upper management, they’re condescending, notorious for taking credit for ideas they did not come up with and then one day, poof, they are promoted! What the heck just happened?!
The truth is our intuition was most likely screaming at us after the first interaction with this person. When we go back to the beginning and start putting all of the pieces together, we realize we'd known all along the road that was being paved and where it was destined to end.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Anastasia W.
We have been conditioned to push down that small intuitive voice to remain pleasant and complacent. Better to not add to the fire, right? Wrong! That kind of thinking may cost you your promotion one day. It may lead to infidelity, to years wasted at a job or on a degree you had no business in getting, to a child getting into trouble or worse.
Our superpower of intuition is innate, beautiful and best of all, it’s free. Work on it. Let it speak to you in the moments of uncertainty. Harness its full, magical wonder and let it guide you into peace, into safety and into success. Allow it to help you communicate with your friends and family. Assist you in being bold and wise. We’re not one dimensional. We can have our superpower all the while being graceful and elegant too.