Break the Cycle: Stop Waiting To Celebrate by Appreciating Small Moments
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tishana Richards.
Copy by: Jessica Martin
Model: Tishana Richards
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
Kool & the Gang were definitely onto something with that song! We celebrate birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, and so many other events in our lives. It’s important to mark those occasions with an added amount of zest with people we care about. No disputing that. And how great does it feel to put the event on the calendar?! It gives us something to look forward to— a reason to go shopping (at least for us gals) and get all spiffy, a reason to cut loose and cheer on whatever the occasion calls for.
There is only one problem I've noticed with all of these bigger celebrations. The highs we feel during the prepping, planning, and celebrating are typically followed by a bit of a crash. We tend to flip to our social calendars thinking, “okay, what’s the next thing I have to look forward to?” And on and on the cycle continues, living only for the weekends and the next big celebration.
But what’s happening during the time in between? We’re still living our lives aren’t we? Still accomplishing all of the smaller goals and completing the daily tasks to reach our bigger goals, all to create the picture we envision for our lives. “And then we’ll be happy.” No. Happiness shouldn’t be chased as the end goal. 24/7 happiness is not reality.
Well, I found myself in this cycle. Only celebrating on grand occasions because the day to day seemed too unimportant to take note of. Then I realized, it's the day to day accomplishments that get us to those celebratory moments. No one just wakes up and says, “by the end of today, I’ll be a doctor,” or “by the end of today, I’ll be married with two kids.” Although, can you imagine how great that would actually be? Or maybe we’d become incredibly bored if we could reach our goals in 24 hours. I digress.
Whatever the goal is. People have to wake up every morning and make the decision to keep pressing forward and to keep going to work and putting in the time for that big promotion. They have to decide they are going to work on themselves to prepare for the next relationship. They have to meditate to create peace for themselves so they can be a better parent than they were yesterday.
All of this, these moments, deserve celebration. I am not saying to go crazy and break the bank at the end of every day. But celebrate. Have a special meal, raise your glass at dinner even if you’re just drinking water, or dance in your living room, just acknowledge that today, you accomplished something and do it with the people you love. Celebrate each other often. It’s more than compliments: It's saying, “today we celebrate life because we were fortunate enough to be a part of it.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tishana Richards.
Life is crazy, it’s hard, and it throws some wicked curve balls. But for every hurtle you get over (even if just barely) celebrate. Say it loud and proud, “I’m celebrating!” Find happiness in everyday moments.
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