Growth is Not Linear. Growth is Messy. It is Becoming and Unbecoming. Blossoming and Retreating.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Toni Whitfield.
Copy by: Nicole Vivian
Model: Toni Whitfield
Creative Direction: Catie Menke

We all have moments in our lives when we are hit with the unexpected. We are brought to our knees. We are surrounded by the pieces of what once was and the darkness of the unknown.
In times of uncertainty, it is easy to succumb to those negative thoughts that come sneaking in through the cracks. They come like an army ready for battle. Sharpening their swords. Aiming for our already weakened defense.
It is important to remember to stay vigilant, stay present. Do not retreat. Do not allow the enemy to overwhelm or overcome your shattered heart.
Stay in the moment. Feel it. Let it wash over you. Breathe.

They will, one by one, shimmer and shine as if they were stars far off in the night sky. You will feel your growth. It will be painful at times. It will be exhausting.
Oh, but it will also be freeing. It will show you strength you never knew existed. It will stretch you and take you away from your comfort zone. It will make you feel alone, and yet at the same time give you reason for connection. Deep, genuine connection.
One day you will stand up, look around, and see that every misstep, every hurdle, every tear and every smile was worth the journey. It will bring to you a newfound appreciation for the people who lent a hand and a shoulder, who built you up, who believed in you. Yet in a similar fashion, you will be grateful to those who walked away. Rather than seeing one door close, view it as a door that was left open - to welcome those who are a better fit for your future.
While your story did not make sense at the beginning or even in the moment it is always worth it. Because growth is not linear.