Q&A with Tishana Richards—Authenticity in Expression and Life-Long Learning
Image of Tishana Richards.
Interview featuring: Tishana Richards
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction: Catie Menke
Tishana Richards is a small business owner and video communicator, on both sides of the camera, from Chandler, Arizona. Her business, Coco and Seed, shares capsule indoor garden kits that emphasize inspiration of growth, nurturing, and creativity.
Some sage advice from Tishana — “We only have one life. Make your future self proud, rest, try new things, but also be gentle on yourself.”
We can’t wait to know where she finds her inner power, how she makes her business stand out, and her rich, thoughtful advice about life, creativity, and expression.
Small Business Owner/Visual Communication
Chandler, Arizona
What gave you the ideas to pursue both videography and garden-kits? How do they each tie into your personality? How do these things that you’re involved in reflect the person you’ve developed into?
My passion for videography started as a kid in junior high school. I was obsessed with creating things for fun. I would later grow up to work in the entertainment industry both in front and behind the camera both as an actor and in production for network shows. I loved learning about how the whole process worked and decided to continue making videos for myself for fun. My garden kits came about in a similar way, out of curiosity and a desire to create things. I wanted to use all my tools, resources, and joy to continue making things I was proud of. I believe they tap into my love of creating in general. The ability to freely ideate coupled with variety fuels me. They both tell stories in one way or another.
Image of Tishana Richards.
What is your power core that you can feel helping you in every area of your life?
I would say my power core is a connection to the Universe. The idea that there is an unknown vastness and somehow we are here experiencing this life gives me a lot of motivation. I choose to find the dots that have popped up and connect them to mean something.
What contributes to the development of a powerful woman in business?
I believe that choosing a life of business is like a magnet. It’s something you’re either drawn to or not. Something will always pull you in that direction. You have to be self-motivated because it’s not glamorous. It’s a constant off-the-beaten-path type of life even if you choose to follow in someone else’s footsteps. You’ll see that your journey is truly your own, and I think understanding and accepting that helps with taking on the journey. Perseverance, grit, consistency, and a willingness to keep going and learning no matter what contribute to my development and pushing forward.
Where does your personal power come from? How can others cultivate their feminine power?
My personal power comes from knowing what the possibilities are and staying true to my values. I am an optimist at heart, and that keeps me going, especially when I hit rough patches. My power is compassion for myself and the journey, nurturing, and positive thoughts to stay grounded and connected to my purpose. I think harnessing what feels the most comforting to ourselves and leaning into it is what can help with cultivating our feminine power.
Photography by Tishana Richards.
What ways do you find to stand out in your field with Coco and Seed? Beyond that, how do you set yourself apart in so many areas of your life where you excel?
I am always learning, listening, revamping, pivoting, and trying new things. I stay true to my brand, my product, but I try to stay true to myself at the end of the day. I am not trying to do the latest trends but rather do what feels good. I think it’s important to remember your why in all things to stay on the path you choose to take for yourself. I think the best way to set yourself apart is to just be you. Stay authentic and do you. As generic as that sounds, I believe there's truth to it.
What advice about life have you learned from starting your business?
I have learned so many things about life through starting a business! Everything is relative. You get out what you put in, stay consistent, and show up every day. Remember that showing up might look different each day too. Rest and recharge — it’s imperative to your mental and physical health. You can’t do it all on your own — find your people, observe what’s happening around you, and connect the dots. You know more than you realize. Your environment is only limiting if you want it to be — expand your mind and your options. Get creative; think differently. Whether you believe you can or you can’t, you’re right… I could go on for days!
Photography by Tishana Richards.
What are some of your personal and professional self development strategies?
I am a student of life and for life. I am always learning, taking a class, reading a book, watching a show — always doing something to expand my mind. I was once told that the day you stop learning is the day you die. I think that goes for anything in life, not just business but personal experiences as well.
How do you take care of yourself as a business owner?
I’m still learning this one! Come back to me haha. I would love to learn structure. I know I need to be better at it, and I think that will help tremendously when I figure it out. I ebb and flow, and many times I work too much — it's not healthy! One thing I will say is find balance however you can. I'm still figuring that part out :)
How does self development show through in your accomplishments, like being listed on “Oprah’s Favorite Things”?
I think being adaptable and open-minded helps with things like being featured on “Oprah’s Favorite Things” or anything of that magnitude. Keeping a positive and optimistic mindset and believing anything is possible. I never would have dreamed it on my own, so saying yes when opportunities arise and doing everything you can to see it through comes down to that optimistic viewpoint and willingness to learn.
Image of Tishana Richards.
How can people express themselves through indoor gardening projects? How can personal expression be present in any creative project, like your videography?
I think that depends and can be a personal journey. Personally speaking, growing an indoor garden makes me feel so many emotions, pride, excitement, and nurturing. I have something to care for and see change and morph right before my eyes. All my life lessons I see reflected back to me in my plants. What I put into them, they give back to me, and life's obstacles are ever looming. It’s all relative, and it’s amazing to see how simple or complex that can be just by our own perspective. Videography is no different. When it’s a personal experience, it’s capturing history. It’s seeing into the past and the future at the same time. For example, I filmed my mom cooking some recipes, something that we’ve wanted to do for years, and the meaning behind it. Also curiosity! Trying new things! So much can be reflected back into our passion projects.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Ooo, well, we only have one life. Make your future self proud, rest, try new things, but also be gentle on yourself. Sometimes things don't go according to our plan, and maybe we are just making things up as we go, why not enjoy it.
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