4 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery to Be Thankful Every Day

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tishana Richards.
Copy: Emily Rose
Model: Tishana Richards
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction: Catie Menke

Sometimes we get so caught up in the chaos of our busy schedules, that we often forget to remind ourselves of the smaller things in life that make up the environment we enjoy living in.
After the passing of various loved ones, I always make sure to note all of the things that I am grateful for and make a promise to not take anything for granted as I once did with my time spent with them. I am constantly photographing memories, treasuring small keepsakes from moments that are important to me and taking the time to soak up each incredible opportunity that is in front of me.

Write down the things that you own that money cannot buy
Quality time spent with friends and family
A smile and confidence in yourself
Dancing and singing along to music with loved ones

Think of a difficult time and write down how you overcame
My senior year of high school a close family friend, who took her role as a second mother to me, took her own life. There is no overcoming grief and loss, but I motivated myself to continue doing the things that we shared like dancing and singing. Now everytime I do those things, I do it for her.

Write down your spot that brings you calmness
In my hometown, I was surrounded by Mother Nature and her beauty all around me. I would always take paints, a blank canvas and drive up to a spot we all called, “Inspiration Point.”

Take a note of someone who has inspired you and why
I do not have anyone in particular, but a combination of the people I surround myself with. I am constantly inspired by the drive people have and the enthusiasm they have when it comes to doing the things they love. I find joy in being in the element of other people in their element of joy. It encourages me to want to better myself and find more time to do the things that I love.