Your Monthly Astrology Update: Enjoy the Energy of Presence This Taurus Season

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Melissa Dansoa.


Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Melissa Dansoa
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

If the verve of Aries season has you feeling a touch burned out, get ready to pause and bask in the present. On April 19, the sun leaves the exuberance of Aries to glide leisurely into Taurus for its annual stay. Here, the sun recognizes the value of the here and now, as opposed to the constant striving for what lies ahead that we tend to engage in with Aries energy. It requests that we all stop to smell the roses, feel the sunshine, taste our food, and engage with our senses in a new way.

I say this often, so if you’ve heard it or read it from me before, consider it your annual reminder:  Taurus energy is some of the most present energy that exists. It is an incredibly grounding energy that revels in the moment you are in NOW in a way that no other sign does. Sure, there are two other earth signs, and they both have their own ways of grounding. Virgo notices and wants to fix. Capricorn is looking to build a bigger mountain and achieve. But Taurus? Taurus uses all their senses to experience the energy of presence.

I know that may seem a little esoteric, so humor me for a moment. Stop reading, and disengage your consciousness from your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. Don’t allow your thoughts to drift to what you’re making for dinner, or what your morning commute was like. Look up. What do you see? What detail have you not noticed before in this same space? 

Sniff the air. What does it smell like? What does it feel like when it enters your nostrils? Run your fingers over the surfaces near you? What do they feel like? Are they cool to the touch? Smooth? Rough?

Take a sip of your closest beverage. Allow it to languish in your mouth before you swallow. What sensations do you feel? What does it taste like? Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. What is loudest? What nearly imperceptible sounds have you never noticed before that all of a sudden you are hearing for the first time? Instead of trying to untangle them, bask in their cacophony. Languish in the moment and feel engaged with it while simultaneously relaxing into it. Feel it in your body without force or labels. Allow yourself to be.

The reason I bring up this aspect of Taurus so often is because we tend to forget to do these things. We get so wrapped up in the energy of hustling that we forget the energy of BEING. And while I won’t ever knock the hustle (because I would never blaspheme Jay-Z), it can scatter you and leave you ungrounded. Sure, hustle, but don’t stay there. It’s so important to call our energy back to us by experiencing where we ARE, instead of where we were, or think we want to be.  

Animals are exceptionally good at this. When it’s breezy out, my dog will stop walking, sit, and put his face into the wind, just for the experience of it all. And then I’ll face the wind with him, no matter how late for work I might be running, just to take that moment to re-center myself because he reminded me that being is just as important as doing.

This Taurus season, what are you doing to call your energy back into the present moment? Do you already have something you do often that brings you out of your thoughts and into the experience of your body? What sensory experiences do you feel you engage with most? What sensory experiences do you want to engage in more? Where do you spend time mired in the past or daydreaming about the future, when you really should experience your own being in the present?

This Taurus season, allow yourself to take pleasure in the moment. Appreciate where you are, enjoy where you are, and more importantly, experience where you are. When we allow our energy to rest in the present, we immerse ourselves in life in a way that no other sign calls attention to. Engage your senses and enjoy Taurus season!



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