Your Monthly Astrology Update: Allow Your Pleasure To Bloom This Taurus Season

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Heidi Doll.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Heidi Doll.


Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Heidi Doll
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

Get ready to bloom with the sun heading into Taurus on April 19! Taurus is one of the most physical signs, not because it’s active the way Aries is, but because it rules presence. Taurus is about things that exist, things that you can touch, smell, and taste. It wants you to engage with your senses, to take everything in, to become an experience.

If the idea of becoming an experience sounds weird to you, try this (it has to do with food...I promise, you’ll like it): Make your favorite meal. Set the table instead of eating on the couch. Light some candles. Uncork your favorite bottle of wine. Play your favorite music. Leave your phone on silent in another room. Sit down, and enjoy each bite of your meal. Eat slowly and really taste the food. Take your time.


Taurus energy asks us to be present with what’s in front of us in the physical world. Not on our phones, not preoccupied with what we did at work that day, or what we need to do tomorrow, but to be in the here and now. It isn’t a particularly deep sign, not because it’s superficial (although it can be at times), but because it knows that the magic exists in the present tense. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is always on the horizon, but the only moment that you’re actually in is THIS ONE. Taurus wants you to recognize that, and enjoy it.


Pleasure is different for everyone.  In the example above, pleasure for me would be having that same meal at a restaurant, because dishes aren’t pleasurable for me, and neither is my cooking!  Maybe for you, it’s rolling in new sheets, a long walk alone at sunset, getting your nails done, or cuddling on the couch.  Or it could be buying flowers for your home, sleeping in, soaking in a long bath, or a massage.  Whatever it is, the universe is asking you to luxuriate in the simple things that make you feel good.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself that this seems really indulgent (I see you, Virgos!).  Hear me out on this.  We are conditioned, especially as women, to do things that prioritize the pleasure and happiness of other people.  Not only that, but we are also conditioned as humans, and especially Americans, to work, work, work, work work.  The giving and the grinding leaves us stressed out, with nothing left to give, and completely disconnected from ourselves and what makes us happy.


Taurus asks us to come back to the present moment, to return to ourselves, to our bodies, and to feel good about it.  When we connect with our own sense of joy and contentment, we usually want more of it.  And as long as you’re focused on healthy pleasure seeking, you become more of yourself as a result.  Happier, more vibrant, more present, more ALIVE.


This Taurus season, ask yourself where you’ve let pleasure slip away for other less enjoyable tasks.  Can you find a way to become so engrossed in something pleasurable that your stress dips, even if just for a few moments?  Can you find small ways to bring more joy into your life, to spend less time in the past and the future, and more time in the present?  Do you even remember what used to make you feel good in your body?  How can you bring some of that pleasure back?

Taurus season offers us a beautiful opportunity to ground back into our own joy and feel it fully.  It’s energy is all about feeling good.  Take advantage of this month to connect back in with that part of yourself that wants to experience pleasure and see how your happiness grows!



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