Your Monthly Astrology Update: Light the Fire of Renewal This Aries Season
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kendall Merritt.
Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Kendall Merritt
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
On March 20, the sun exits its contemplative, inner journey to remind us that everything is cyclical, and what concludes must begin anew as it bursts into Aries. The start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the beginning of the astrological New Year, offers us all the opportunity to approach life with a beginner's mind and excitement for the journey ahead.
During Pisces season, we talked about the building energies as we move through the zodiac. When our deep, formless Piscean experience ends, the formless re-enters form, born again in Aries. Think about it: If we seek out source energy to rest in our own divinity (accessed through meditation, dreams, prayer, or your spiritual practice of choice), when we return to our lives, a renewal happens, and we get to begin again. If that’s too out there for you, look at it this way. Every evening, you get into your bed with the intent to sleep. When you close your eyes, you drift to the land of the formless, and when you wake refreshed, back in the land of form, you’re ready to take on your life again. Even something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning can be classified as a rebirth (and yes, that still applies for those of us who hit “snooze” seven times and roll into work late while trying to figure out how to shotgun a Starbucks).
While we have these mini opportunities for fresh energy daily, the sun only gives us one opportunity annually for his cosmic wake-up call. Sure, you may feel a bit groggy from your Pisces experience, but Aries doesn’t believe they have the time to wait for you to rub your eyes and throw back the covers. They’re halfway out the door before you’ve stumbled into the shower. Aries energy moves quickly and with a dusting of reckless abandon. You can’t help but be charmed by their clumsy jubilance because they’re just so damn excited about everything all the time, and that energy is CONTAGIOUS.
Nike was named for the Goddess of Victory, but its slogan is Aries all the way. “Just Do It” is what Aries is all about, mainly because this naive energy lacks a connection to the past that would be used to contextualize experiences, so they move through the world unafraid. As the beginning sign of the zodiac, they don’t have the deep wisdom that Pisces can fall back on, or the nurturing instincts of Cancer, or the communication skills of Gemini. They only know to GO, and do it yesterday if you can. Aries doesn’t really understand the concept of consequences, because their childlike nature keeps them thinking that there’s always a way forward, and who would bother to tell them no? They’re fun, passionate, and know how to inspire action, even if they don’t stick around long enough to see how things turn out.
During this time, we all get to embody this vibe. Where do you feel like you’ve been a bit untethered and need to ignite a fire to get yourself going? Is there something new that you want to learn that you’ve been putting off? Now is a great time to check out classes, or even dive right in (just know that in true Aries fashion, it may not stick for long, but hey, at least you can say you tried it!). Where have you felt dragged down by something or someone, and where do you need to embrace more passion in your life to get lit up again? Where in your life do you want to initiate a new beginning, a renewal of your own personal energy?
And as an added bonus, take the New Moon on March 31 / April 1 (depending where you are in the world) to be thoughtful and purposeful about planting new intentions. Consider especially places where you want to start things from scratch, or transform the energy of a situation into something entirely new and different. This moon is the first major lunation of the astrological New Year, so take some time to think about what you want as the sun cycles through the zodiac over the next 12 months. A ritual that I see a lot of people recommend is writing down what you want and burning the paper, like you’re letting things go into the ether to allow them to come to fruition, but I prefer that for fire full moons. On fire new moons, I like to think about what I want while gazing at a lit candle, watching the flame grow, and letting that signify the expanding energy of my manifestation. Safety note: Be careful with fire, don’t burn candles in spaces that could easily catch on fire, don’t leave fire unattended, and always have some water handy to put it out quickly if need be.
This Aries season is particularly potent, as it appears that covid is finally waning to a manageable level (at least, at the time I’m writing this, it looks that way!), so being able to feel like you can fully initiate things you may have been waiting on finally feels like it could be a reality. Take the energy of the next month to get really clear on where you want to renew your own life…