Your Monthly Astrology Update: Detach To Connect This Pisces Season

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Models: Zaryn Nicole and Natalie Rose.


Copy by: Alison Brownell
Models: Zaryn Nicole & Natalie Rose
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

On February 18, the sun floats into Pisces for its month-long stay at the end of the zodiac.  Pisces energy gives us the opportunity to reflect on the 12-month solar cycle and rest before we prepare to begin anew with Aries energy in mid-March on the Spring Equinox.

As an astrologer, especially one that writes, signs often get segmented into their own tiny silos to describe their energy.  This isn’t because I think that energy exists that way, but because it makes it easier to write about.  Plus, so many people search for “their” sign, that popular interpretations are almost forced to package up each zodiac into a neat little serving for individual consumption. But the zodiac isn’t twelve signs of heavily delineated energy as much as it’s a crescendo of building energy that eternally cycles.

The beginning of the zodiac is Aries, the awareness of self.

This is followed by Taurus, what you value.

Next is Gemini, how you communicate about your self and those values.

Cancer comes next, which is about your place in your family and how you nurture because of how you’ve learned to communicate.

Leo follows Cancer: When you learn to feel secure within your family unit, it creates a foundation for you to be creative and form connections with others.

From there, you engage in learning about your immediate world and how to be in service to those you’re in relationship with through Virgo’s lessons.

Libra then teaches us about balance in our relationships, and how to exist in our most important one-to-one partnerships.

Scorpio takes us deeper in those bonds and demands intimacy by holding a mirror to our darkest parts and forcing us to work through them.

Sagittarius then releases us from those limiting beliefs that may have been psychological burdens to show us that we are truly free to be ourselves.

At the apex of our charts, Capricorn takes all of those experiences and allows us to be the most actualized versions or ourselves.

Aquarius then has us detach from our own interests to serve the world with those gifts.

And the energy that we are heading into, Pisces, sends us into a regenerative space where we realize that because we are truly attached to nothing, we’re connected to everything. It isn’t about what’s in front of us or behind us, but what’s beyond us: Where our souls came from, and where they will return to when we’ve completed this journey. Call it Love, God, Source, or whatever feels right to you.

If that seems a little out there, well, that’s because it is. Pisces energy isn’t really of this world the way that, say, Taurus is. It recognizes that the physical is merely temporary, and the tighter we hold onto that, the more attached to the world, our bodies and our objects we are, the less we are able to recognize the universal connectedness of our souls. When the world ceases to exist, that’s all that will remain.

Now, don’t get me wrong, because I enjoy the physical as much as the next person, and with the transiting North Node in Taurus for the next year and a half, we are all going to really connect with the idea of being present in the physical world. But the sun in Pisces is here to remind us that in spite of how much you might enjoy the Taurean pleasures available in life (and no shade to those of us who do!), it’s all transient, fluid, and shifting. And even if there’s something you really, really love, the impermanent nature of the physical can remove it from your life. That’s not to say the hole lives there forever, because once Pisces completes, Aries comes in to plant anew, and you begin a new level of awareness with yourself (but I’m getting ahead of myself…Aries is next month!).

So what do we do with an energy that wants us to detach from the physical and connect with the spiritual? Well, you’ll probably feel a natural pull inward, to spend some time alone reflecting.  Don’t force yourself to do more or be more if you don’t feel like it. Take time to meditate, journal, pray, or find a practice that connects you with your higher self. Allow more time for sleep and track your dreams. Do what feels good to your soul to do. Consider the following questions: If all my earthly possessions fell away tomorrow, including my body, would I be happy with the condition of my soul? What can I do now, in this body, to reconnect with the desires of my soul? What do I need to allow to fall away to make that happen? Where do I need to loosen my grip? Where can I give more grace to other people in their own soul journey?

The desire to see beyond and connect with something greater can sometimes prompt the use of substances to assist in that process, especially during Pisces season. I’m not here to judge, but simply to provide a disclaimer. Please be very, very careful, and if you are prone to addiction, please abstain. One of the darker sides of Pisces is that of drug and alcohol abuse. If you’ve been struggling, this would be a fantastic time to seek help.

Pisces allows us a beautiful time to reflect on our journeys, rest, and rejuvenate our souls for the next cycle. Give yourself time and space to connect with something greater than your physical desires and grant your soul permission to expand.



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