Your Monthly Astrology Update: Step Into Gratitude and Joy This Sagittarius Season

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Tishana Richards.


Copy by: Alison Brownell
Model: Tishana Richards
Editor: Jeni Fjelstad
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

On Sunday, November 21, the sun springs into Sagittarius for a month-long stay, ushering us out of the dark Scorpio swamps and into the light. Sagittarius is a sign known for its wisdom (perspective gleaned from time in said swamp), with a desire for freedom, joy, and truth, while full of exuberant gratitude.

While it may not seem like it at first glance, mainly because they crack a lot of borderline questionable jokes, Sagittarius has a deep understanding of where they’ve been and what they’ve learned from their experiences.  It’s this quality that gives them the unfailing glass-half-full attitude. Yes, this thing might be bad, but let’s look at how much worse it actually could be, so that you can see why you should be grateful for where things really are. It’s a view that can grate on the most cynical of signs, but during this month, it's a gift we can all embody.

While this year wasn’t hard in the same ways as last year, or easy in the same ways, either, it had its own sets of blessings and challenges, just like any other year. Finding the joy in the blessings is easy… but finding it in the challenges can be a bit trickier.

So, before you settle into too much turkey, “Home Alone” marathons, and frenzied trips to the mall and/or online shopping sites, take a moment to look back. Celebrate what was good, and see if you can find gratitude for the things that weren’t great. The circumstances might have been less than ideal, but what did you learn? What can you take with you as you move forward? Where can you feel relief that things might have been worse, but ended up working out?

I do want to recognize that there are things that are so far over the line of “not great” that there might be nothing to learn, no gratitude to be had, and simply a deep sorrow. If you’re finding yourself there, I am so sorry, and please feel no pressure to find meaning there. Sometimes the world will try to make you find a reason for something awful, or to see an upside, but none of those things are helpful when you’re experiencing heartbreak.

But, even as we look backwards, don’t allow yourself to get too locked into a contemplative state.  It’s hard to find a sign that loves to laugh more than Sagittarius, and finding joy in the present tense is a hallmark of this season. Case in point: The fact that the word “joy” can be found in holiday decor from California to the Carolinas. Sure, your mom having it on a huge plaque in her entry way might make it seem like it’s a bit of a cliché, but joy is seriously underrated.

Joy is the expression of your unbridled pleasure. As you move through this season, take some time to seek out the things that really do make you feel joyful, not because you’re seeing the word everywhere you turn, but because joy really does feel good.

As Sagittarius season helps to draw our year to a (near) close, make sure that you’re taking time to enjoy the season and reflect back with gratitude. Try to see the good in things as only our Sag friends can, and find the joy that lights your own path.



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