Your Monthly Astrology Update: Aries Season Embodies the Magic of Spring

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Models: Abigail Ruby, Kenzie Stinson and Rylie Campbell.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Models: Abigail Ruby, Kenzie Stinson and Rylie Campbell.


Copy by: Alison Brownell
Models: Abigail Ruby, Kenzie Stinson and Rylie Campbell
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke

Happy New Year!  Astrological New Year, that is.  On March 20, the sun finishes his float through Pisces and is born again into Aries, signifying the beginning of Spring (and the “real” new year) here in the northern hemisphere.

Aries is the baby of the zodiac.  To know an Aries sun person is to know a perpetual child.  Sure, that can be aggravating at times, but if you’re constantly mad at your Aries pal for telling potty jokes with the maturity level of a 13 year old boy, you miss out on the fact that they are excited about EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME.  Life is never boring with an Aries around.  They are the first to jump into things, they always pick “Dare” (“Truth” just isn’t quite as exciting to them), and their fearless exuberance is contagious. 

Art Direction, Photograph and Edit by: Catie Menke. Models: Abigail Ruby, Kenzie Stinson and Rylie Campbell.

Art Direction, Photograph and Edit by: Catie Menke. Models: Abigail Ruby, Kenzie Stinson and Rylie Campbell.

Even if you don’t know any Aries people, or aren’t one yourself, you get your own chance to experience this energy annually.  As the first sign, and where the chart officially begins, Aries signifies the place in our lives where we experience the magic of being born each year as the sun rolls through.  But it isn’t just us: somehow, the whole world awakens with child-like wonder during Aries season.  We begin to pack away our jackets in favor of tank-tops and relish the opportunity to get our bodies into the warmth of the sun.  We shake off the mental doldrums of winter, excited to play.  Flowers bloom, baby animals are born, and the world is once again filled with activity.  New life is abundant.  Daylight lasts longer.  Everything seems possible.

And after a full year of challenges and hardships that have been more difficult than we’ve endured as a collective in this lifetime, the promise of spring’s magical energy has us all excited for what’s ahead.  It appears the virus is slowing, be it credited to getting closer to natural herd immunity, vaccines, or a combination of both.  All of us are ready to embrace our lives, maybe in ways we never could have without what we’ve been through.

As Aries season comes in, consider what you had begun to grieve the loss of at this time last year, what you’ve gone without, where you’ve created something new, and as the hope of no virus restrictions slowly grows, ask yourself, with all I’ve done and learned, what do I now want my life to be?  When your “normal” life is stripped from you, as it was from all of us in some form, as it returns, do you want to go back to how things were, or do you have a new vision you want to create?  Something bigger and better?  Maybe something slower and quieter?  Regardless, the new energy that’s beckoning you is from the alchemy in the air, finally beginning to materialize after months in the ether.


And if you’re reading all of this, thinking it’s total crap, frustrated and angry because you don’t know your vision, and you’re still in an emotional spiral from the last year, that’s okay, too.  Anger is a part of Aries energy as much as anything else I’ve written about above.  Envision a child throwing a temper tantrum.  Usually, they’re behaving like this because their needs aren’t being met.  Granted, you could argue that not getting that second helping of dessert isn’t an actual need, but tell that to a crying child who wants another cookie.  If your anger is telling you that YOUR needs aren’t met (be it a second piece of cake, boundaries with a parent, or a one-sided friendship), this is one of the best times of the year to re-center and come back to yourself.  Aries is about the individual.  Put yourself first, and focus on fulfilling your own needs, however that looks like for you.

Regardless of how you’re feeling about this month, at the very least, take some time to go outside and witness the changing of the seasons.  Recognize how magical it is that without any human assistance, the earth always responds to this time of year by waking up and creating anew.  It’s a beautiful metaphor for your own life:  After every winter comes spring.  

And if you want to throw a little glitter in the air and pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate the turn of the astrological calendar, well, this Aries girl won’t stop you.  Cheers to a new year!



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