How Accessing the Magic in Our Hearts Can Evoke More Consciousness in Our Partners
Art Direction, Photograph and Edit by: Catie Menke. Model: Alicia Bogdanski.
Interview featuring: Kendall Merritt
Model: Alicia Bogdanski
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
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How do I access more magic in my heart?
KENDALL: So I think when we look at the magic that exists in the depth of the truth in our hearts, we ask ourselves how can we actually connect with that deeper level of truth? I think when we can stop, pause and take a breath, we actually get into those layers of the deeper truths that exists within us. So, as we can connect with those deeper truths of us, we want to really think about connecting with a few different energies.
The first one is: yearning. What is the yearning that is in our hearts? That longing. That desire. That craving. What are we really yearning for? And giving ourselves the space to be honest with ourselves. Giving ourselves permission to connect with those deeper truths. Again, what am I yearning for? And really feel that energy fill you up of what it really feels like to yearn for something. To long for something in that energy.
KENDALL: And then the next energy that we want to look at is: devotion. So, that devotion and commitment of honoring the practice for ourselves and for how we would show up with another person. Devotion is really that foundation of trust and that deeper level of us as feminine essence beings that wants to be taken care of. And to really open up and think about the practice of devotion and what that looks like.
And then the last practice would be: pleasure. To truly surrender into pleasure and getting into your feeling body of what that feels like. That pleasure of being ravished and really surrendering to the magic of pleasure. Finding all those deeper level truths between connecting with our yearning, devotion and pleasure.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Alicia Bogdanski.
KENDALL: When we can connect with those deeper emotions and really dive in, that’s how we evoke that masculine presence in a partner. We evoke consciousness and fierce, strong warrior type energy. And a man that is going to be fully rooted in presence. So when we say we want our partner to be more conscious or more present with me, how are you revealing those deeper levels of the truth of your heart?
KENDALL: A couple of reflection questions to think about are: Am I really connected with those deeper level truths? If you think about it on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being fully embodied and allowing this energy to fill up every cell of your being or 1 being completely disconnected of those deeper level truths. Disconnected from our bodies. So how deeply do I feel the truth in my heart? Really allow that to fill you up.
And then the second question would be on that same scale from 1-10, how openly do I reveal the truth of my heart? How often are you actually expressing that? So, if we think about as individuals when we are out in life, we are taught to kind of close those truths off until we are trusting of somebody else. But as our purpose as women, it is to fully be responsible for revealing those truths. How can we really open ourselves up and reveal? Open and reveal those truths to create more magic? Because if we can evoke such depth and consciousness and presence from those around us and from our masculine partners, that allows us to experience so much more magic.
KENDALL: And how do you actually reveal these truths? That’s through truly feeling and expressing in our bodies. The first way to express and reveal our deeper truths is with our breath. So really making space to breathe. Finding the space between each breath. Honoring the magic that exists within each breath. And breathing really deeply and expansively.
The other piece is sound. The more that we can express sounds, the more we honor our deeper truths. So, taking an audible exhale. Or a sigh. Or a giggle. Revealing how we are actually feeling will be more open and aligned to our deeper truths.
And then movement. So, how do we dance our fingertips across our skin? Or gently run our fingers through our hair? That gentle movement can start to reveal those deeper truths.
Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Alicia Bogdanski.
KENDALL: The more that we reveal, the more we evoke consciousness. And we have to be able to reveal that to see the deeper parts of our partners. Because if we block it off and hold back, then our partners don’t have the ability to fully own their presence and their consciousness.