Menstruation & Moon Cycles: The Thread that Weaves Together Generations
Art Direction and Model: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt.
Copy by: Margie Kirschner
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
As young girls, many of us are not taught about what it means to have a menstrual cycle. The act of celebrating such an event is rare. In fact, many girls feel cursed by having to endure such a monthly inconvenience. If you were given any explanation of your menstrual cycle, it’s likely that you were told about the mood swings, crying & chocolate cravings.
What if there is more to this story? What if we have been conditioned to disconnect from our power? What if there is a wealth of knowledge to be found not outside of ourselves, but within our own womb?
I am a woman. I have a monthly cycle, just as our dear Mama Moon does. Each month she begins anew, waxes, lights the world in fullness & wanes in anticipation of her next phase. This is not a coincidence. My body is designed to harmonize with Mother Nature. And yours is too!
Our power to align with the moon during menstruation is not a method. It’s not new age; you don’t have to read a book. It is innate and it has guided women for generations. The moon that guides us, is the same moon our grandmother gazed upon and her grandmother before that.
In the old days, women gathered together during their cycle in the “red tent” having been deemed unclean by the patriarchy. This was a time to share stories, focus on inner work, spirituality and experience the camaraderie of other women. There was time to rest, to connect & to honor their cycles. What may have been seen as an “unclean” time for women, was transformed and illuminated to a space of empowerment.
Over time, women have been conditioned to seek confirmation for who we are & how to operate in the world. Many of us have lost our ability to trust our bodies, to celebrate our cycles & to seek guidance from our universal connection. But all is not lost.
Did you know that a female fetus is born with all the eggs she will ever have in her lifetime? This means you were an egg in your mother’s womb, while she was being formed in the womb of her mother. You see, we are all connected. It is in our DNA. We carry the stories of every single one of the women who sat in those red tents.
“Every woman who heals herself, helps heal all women who came before her, and all those who come after her.”
So, where do we start? How can we begin to connect with our cycle and harness the power of our womb?
Our monthly cycles are made up of 4 phases. These phases act as inner seasons to us and each aligns with a cycle of the moon. The four phases of our cycle are:
Our Inner Winter: A time of releasing, not just menstrual blood in the physical, but energetically as well. We can use this time to go within and shed that which no longer serves us. Just as the dead of Winter, our bodies must learn to let go in preparation for what will come with our next season.
Follicular Phase
Our Inner Spring: A peak in energy after menstruation brings us clarity and a power of expression. Just like the season of Spring, we are budding with desire. You may find yourself attracted to new ideas & experiences; follow them!
Our Inner Summer: Feeling hot? Bold beauty, this is your time to shine! Known as the summer season for women, ovulation is a cycle of radiance. Remember your nature to attract and use your vibrant energy as a force to call in your desires. Physical symptom to mark the start of ovulation: a change in cervical mucus, a thick sticky-like texture resembling the color of egg whites.
Luteal Phase
Our Inner Fall: This is our longest phase, beginning with ovulation and ending with menstruation. We will experience a change in hormones after peak ovulation, but not passing off our emotions as “just PMS” is key. This phase brings a deep, intuitive connection. What we have stuffed down will be made available to us and while often uncomfortable, it can provide the exact medicine that we need.
Just as our inner seasons, the moon will offer supportive energy to us during out cycle. It is important to develop an understanding of our own energy before comparing it to the energy of mama moon. The four moon cycles are:
The White Moon Cycle
You menstruate on the new moon and ovulate on the full moon.
The Red Moon Cycle
You menstruate with the full moon and ovulate on the new moon.
The Pink Moon Cycle
You menstruate with the waxing moon and ovulate with the waning moon.
The Purple Moon Cycle
You menstruate on the waning moon and ovulate on the waxing moon.
Type a note on your phone with each phase so it’s ready to go! Once you begin menstruation, start writing! Note your feelings, cravings, challenges, energy level, sleep habits… anything you consider note-worthy! It is important not to try and interpret information prematurely. This is a practice that you can continue to build on. You will notice patterns and become more aware of how to support yourself over time.
Once we understand the energy of our phases, we will learn to honor ourselves, giving us permission to listen to our bodies. As we connect with our intuition, we will begin to synchronize with the energy of the moon. This creates harmony, putting us in total flow with the universe!
And this is how we reclaim our power! This is how we heal ourselves, those who came before us and future generations to come! So, the next time you find yourself gazing at mama moon, thank her and say hello to your great- grandmother, she’s there with you too.