LUST: A Short Story by Devon Herrera
Art Direction and Model: Catie Menke. Photograph by: Shannon Holt.
Copy by: Devon Herrera
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
“I’ve thought about that since the first day I laid eyes on you,” he whispered, grabbing my chin after his lips finally left mine; the hot tub was the perfect temperature; the bubbles surrounded our waists while I straddled him, my face an inch away from his.
I was burning with desire (and a few whiskeys) as I’d been thinking about kissing Liam since the first day I saw him, sitting in front of our acting class performing his impressive monologue.
I crossed my legs as I imagined what it would be like. I watched the muscles in his arms tense while I pictured him grabbing me, pinning me against the wall and pressing his soft lips firmly against mine.
Instead of living out these fantasies, though, during breaks in class, we talked about Lord of the Rings, about how it sucks for him to be a Cincinnati Bengals fan, and about how he always douses his face in water when he goes to the bathroom.
We carried out this routine for months until a group of us from class went out to dinner… he came in wearing brown denim and a black t-shirt that hugged his muscular frame like a glove. Yes, please.
He sat next to me in the gray cushioned chair and I felt a sense of ease. I wanted to spend the rest of the night talking to him; learning everything about him and how he sees the world.
He had this mystery about him that naturally made him all the more intriguing.
His short, dirty blonde hair was just the right length, his face reminded me of Charlie Hunnam, and his smile was reminiscent of a Franco brother.
Hold up… when I say ‘was’… let me be clear — he’s still around. I’m just bringing you back to that dinner. The dinner where I ordered the salmon salad with goat cheese and was v satisfied.
Throughout the meal, another girl from class decided it was her time for Liam’s attention… which, obviously… he’s hot. And also, hello, I was still in a relationship at the time — I couldn’t be catching feelings.
Fast forward two more weeks and four of us were together for a casual hang at OHSO. He sat next to me and I could smell his Gucci cologne practically beg me to inch closer. My logical brain prevailed and I stayed at least two feet away, nibbling at the pita and hummus while I tried to remain focused on our conversation.
While we all sat on OHSO’s wooden planks, I talked about wanting to interview each of them at some point, because, well, that’s what I do for my blog.
He told me he could do it… soon.
‘Be careful, Devon,’ I heard myself say as I thought out the interworkings of our one on one discussion.
Coincidentally, or maybe not, our cars were parked right next to each other as we left the restaurant. I thumbed down on my key fob, unlocking the driver’s door before I gave him a hug goodbye and we held on for perhaps a second longer than your normal “friend embrace.”
With lust oozing out of me, I proceeded to schedule his interview in the coming days, which let me say, went as professionally as possible.
No funny business at all, though, I swear his voice is a seduction in and of itself.
My heart skipped a beat and I took a deep breath, nodding before standing up to follow him to a secluded table while faint traces of One Republic music whirred in the background.
“Okay, I’m just going to say it… I’m really attracted to you,” he pressed his lips together as if he were holding back the rest of his thoughts.
I clenched my teeth for a moment and smiled, casually taking a sip of my Perfect Manhattan, letting it further warm my body.
“Well… I’m really attracted to you, too,” I let the reality of my words wash over me as we stared at each other intently. “Glad we got that out of the way…” I offered before suggesting we go back and join the table.
My imagination was running wild as we sat back down with the group; I could feel the sexual energy ruminating between us and it was exactly what I’d been missing for so long.
An hour later, and another drink in, he so graciously extended the option for us all to join him at his place in Scottsdale.
After thirty minutes chatting in his living room, the vibe was pretty clear — two of the girls wanted to go back out for the night and the other wanted to go home, so there we sat, on his brown oversized sofa as the tension festered.
“You wanna go in the hot tub?” he asked coolly as his hand moved gently to sit on top of mine.
I nodded, grabbed his hand and followed him out, allowing every inhibition to fade away as I enjoyed the freedom of life. I let myself feel sexy and desired as our bodies pressed together. I let myself be overcome with lust as I felt his fingers pull my hair, and I allowed myself to experience pleasure as his tongue glided against mine with ease.
“I want you so fucking bad, Devon,” he whispered in my ear.
“I want you, too,” I breathed back in his.