How to Identify the Love You Want to Give and Receive

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kendall Merritt.
Model and Interview featuring: Kendall Merritt
Creative Direction by: Catie Menke
Got any Relationship Questions? We want to hear them.
Send us your questions to and Kendall Merritt, Founder of Soul Saturations, Certified Energy Coach + Sex and Relationship Coach, will be happy to answer!

What are the expectations I can have towards love to fully express it for myself? And to receive it too?
KENDALL: This is a great question and I love the recognition in that love is not a one way street and it takes both people to give and receive. It also is about the balance between masculine and feminine energy that creates polarity in our relationships.
So first I think it’s most important to identify what it looks like to receive the type of love you want. What is that kind of love? What do you desire love to feel like? What do you desire love to look like? What do you desire it to taste like? Sound like? Smell like? Really honoring all 5 of your senses.
KENDALL: Love should be all consuming. Love is intoxicating. It consumes every fiber of your being. Every cell in your body. And so to connect with what you desire that love to feel like, you have to know what you want first before you can receive that love from somebody else.
Ask yourself what you really want to receive. What do you truly desire.

KENDALL: Especially as women, we don’t take enough time to ask “what do I want?” We tend to give ourselves to everyone else before us. We put everyone else’s needs before our own. We are constantly thinking about how we can be a good mom. Be a good partner. Be a good wife. Be a good friend. We often don’t take the time to stop and think well “what do I want? What do I desire? What do I need?”
I encourage you to sit in that energy of receiving and what it feels like to receive a love that is passionately all consuming. That’s where we get to experience transformation for ourselves. And we get to step into honoring our highest power. Our highest self worth, self value and self love to then be able to receive that from a partner.

Art Direction and Photograph by: Catie Menke. Model: Kendall Merritt.
KENDALL: When we think about being in a place of receiving, then we know how we want to show up and how we want to give. So we almost have to flip the script. Instead of thinking of how you want to love your partner, think about how you want to receive this love for yourself. Then you’ll know, if you want to feel acknowledged and appreciated. If you want to feel valued for what you contribute to the world. If you want passionate, consuming physical relationships and intimacy. Knowing what you truly desire, you then can practice how you show that to your partner. If you want sex to be more than a meaningless physical act, ask yourself how you can create honor and love and respect within your physical intimacy.
To be able to give just as much as you want to receive - that is the goal.